Led by its Chairman and Founder, Mr James E Thompson, GBS, the Crown Worldwide Holdings Ltd (“Crown Worldwide”) paid a visit to the HSUHK on 16 June 2021. The delegation consisted of Mr Billy Wong, Managing Director of Greater China; Mr Maurice Wong, Human Resources Manager of Greater China; Ms Jessica Wong, Director of Sales & Marketing 3PL; and Ms Joanne Chan, Corporate Services Manager.
The delegation was first shown several of the University’s state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities, such as the Financial Trading Laboratory and the Virtual Reality Centre. The Crown representatives were all impressed by how our students could have a real taste of logistics and trading on our modern campus.
HSUHK’s latest establishment, The Inspiring (located in the Lee Shau Kee Complex), gave the Crown delegation a glimpse and a vision of how our students and staff could now enjoy an even bigger and more flexible co-learning space for academic exchanges and experiential activities.
Mr Brandon Wu, an Honours Academy (HA) first-cohort student, then gave Mr Thompson, who is his mentor, and his colleagues the warmest welcome to his home for the last two years, the HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges. Having enjoyed the privilege to visit Mr Thompson’s own residence earlier, Brandon was grateful for being able to return the hospitality by showing the whole delegation the thoughtful design of each student room, and other comprehensive facilities including the common room and the Communal Hall.
Greeted by President Simon S M Ho, the delegation then had a walkthrough, guided by Dr Tom Fong (Vice-President, Organisational Development), of our university’s path to success, being one of the leading private universities in Hong Kong. Professor Y V Hui, Vice-President (Academic and Research) further shed light on the university’s updates on the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, together with the students’ glorious achievements, having the Crown Worldwide’s interests and development at heart.
As one of the HA Professional Fellows, Mr Thompson was enlightened by the HA’s philosophy and the milestones of the HA students in their journey in the company of Professor Jeanne Fu, Head of HA and the two Associate Heads, Dr Holly Chung and Ms Esther Lee. Finally, Ms Gianni Ting and Brandon, two HA first-cohort students and Mr Thompson’s mentees, expressed their sincere gratitude towards their mentor’s guidance in the past year, hoping to take their mentorship to the next level – a friendship.
Mr Thompson concluded the visit with his closing remark, showing his appreciation of the rapid and sustainable development of our University. On behalf of the Crown Worldwide, Mr Thompson wished the budding relationship his enterprise has newly established with the HSUHK to be long-lasting.
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