
卓蔓廷 管理科學與資訊管理(榮譽)學士課程
鍾智鴻 管理科學與資訊管理(榮譽)學士課程
伍均陽 數據科學及商業智能學(榮譽)理學士
邵卓峰 供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士課程
LI Hon Fung, EricBachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management
2015 Graduate
Working at Kerry Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited
FUNG Hing Ying, VioletteBachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management
2014 Graduate
Working at Toys”R”Us (Asia) Limited
Advancement to Master of Management, University of Auckland
SO Chi Chung, HugoBachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management
2014 Graduate
Working at LF Logistics (HK) Limited
Advancement to Master of Management, University of Auckland


管理科學與資訊管理(榮譽)學士課程 2019畢業生 任職於電訊盈科企業方案

通過管理科學與資訊管理的畢業研究論文,卓蔓廷對資訊系統管理產生了濃厚興趣。畢業後,她到電訊盈科企業方案擔任見習生。她感到十分榮幸,公司讓她參與一個有關政府部門的會計與財務的系統管理電子化的計劃,並相信此經驗對她未來發展一定很有幫助。 TOP


管理科學與資訊管理(榮譽)學士課程 2019畢業生

管理科學與資訊管理課程讓鍾智鴻能兼得商業與資訊管理兩方面的訓練,並接觸最新的技術應用,例如人工智能(A.I.)、物聯網(IoT)及區塊鏈(Blockchain),這些知識有助他擴闊視野和事業發展。而他在進行畢業小組研究時,有機會接觸國際商業機器(IBM)的雲端方案和系統開發,為畢業後向商用企業資訊系統的實務工作建立良好基礎。他相信恒大的學習經驗,令他在市場有不俗的競爭力。 TOP


數據科學及商業智能學(榮譽)理學士 2019畢業生 現職星展銀行

伍均陽是2019年度畢業生,現於星展銀行擔任數據分析師,主要負責產品分析與設計。他在校期間非常活躍,曾到恒生銀行一年作全職實習,在個人銀行及財富管理部門的數據科學組進行金融科技方面的工作。另外,他亦積極參與多個聯校比賽並屢獲殊榮,例如在Maritime and Logistics Hackathon 2017 獲得第三名和智慧城市數據運籌馬拉松 2018 得到Honourable Mention。 NG Kwan Yeung, Alex TOP


數據科學及商業智能學(榮譽)理學士 2018畢業生 現職政府統計處

陳美蒨在2014至2018年間,在恒大修讀數據科學及商業智能學(榮譽)理學士。4年間,她到過多間大小機構進行實習,包括香港富豪酒店、星展銀行及政府統計處。畢業後,她正式加入政府統計處,負責處理數據和經濟報告的工作。 CHAN Mei Sin, Jessie TOP


供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士課程 2017畢業生 現職施華洛世奇

在恒大畢業後,邵卓峰決定繼續在香港大學進修,修讀工業工程與物流管理碩士學位。2019年於港大畢業後,他重投於恒大就讀時實習的公司施華洛世奇,最近更參與公司倉庫的擴張計劃,和主管一同負責新倉庫的設計及擺位,亦需要與不同供應商聯繫採購設備。同時,他亦需要使用SAP處理公司日常運作。 TOP

LI Hon Fung, Eric

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management 2015 Graduate Working at Kerry Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited

(只有英文版) Eric participated in the exchange programme and studied at the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics in 2014. He also joined the BBA-SCM Mentorship Scheme in 2014/15 which enhanced his SCM knowledge and maintained a close relationship with the industry partners. Eric is now working in the Global Business Department of Kerry Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited as Project Coordinator. His responsibilities include change management, project management and implementation. During the Programme Area Accreditation Exercise of the School of Decision Sciences in April 2016, Eric was one of the graduates who met the HKCAAVQ panel members and shared his studying and working experiences. LI Hon Fung, Eric TOP

FUNG Hing Ying, Violette

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management 2014 Graduate Working at Toys”R”Us (Asia) Limited Advancement to Master of Management, University of Auckland

(只有英文版) Violette graduated with First Class Honours in 2014. In addition to her outstanding academic performance, she was also awarded various scholarships and awards such as the Outstanding Performance Scholarship in 2013 and the Best Progress Award in 2014 under the Self-Financing Post-Secondary Scholarship Scheme. She participated in the CILTHK Student Day Competition in 2013 and received the Merit Award. Violette also earned the Honour Roll (Provost’s List) and the Exchange Scholarship during her exchange in the Lipscomb University. She is now working at Toys”R”Us (Asia) Limited as Assistant Merchandiser and recently received an offer from the University of Auckland in New Zealand to continue her study in Master of Management, starting in September 2016. FUNG Hing Ying, Violette TOP

SO Chi Chung, Hugo

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management 2014 Graduate Working at LF Logistics (HK) Limited Advancement to Master of Management, University of Auckland

(只有英文版) Hugo participated in the exchange programme and studied at the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics and got the Exchange Scholarship in 2013. In addition to his outstanding academic performance, Hugo was also awarded several scholarships and awards, such as the Dr Kong Footcare Limited Scholarship in 2013/14, the Best Progress Award under the Self-Financing Post-Secondary Scholarship Scheme in 2012/13 and the Education Fund Scholarship, Main Power Electrical Factory Limited in 2011/12. He participated in various activities, namely the CILTHK Student Day Competition 2013 and received the Merit Award, and acted as an interviewer in the “創業者‧言Just Voice Out系列”. Hugo is now working at LF Logistics (HK) Limited, Li & Fung Limited as Supervisor and his plan is to study a Master Degree at the University of Auckland in New Zealand in September 2016. SO Chi Chung, Hugo