To let students have more solid skills in preparing their Social Innovation Project and participating in the pitching competition, we are pleased to introduce a series of skill-based workshops: ‘Let’s Research!’, ‘Let’s Write!’ and ‘Let’s Speak!’, in January and February 2021.
In January, we are honoured to have Mrs Vannessa Misso-Veness, a Corporate and Education Trainer, to teach us how to make the proposal persuasive!
You are cordially invited to join the workshop:
Date: | 15 January 2021 (Fri) |
Time: | 14:00 – 15:30 |
Channel: | Zoom (Quota: 300) (the meeting link will be provided via email) |
Speaker: | Mrs Vannessa Misso-Veness (Corporate and Education Trainer, Cascade Train Teach Learn) |
Language: | English |
The speaker’s biography:
A teacher trainer and an English Language Learning Specialist, Vannessa has held a multifaceted role in teaching, managing teams, delivering professional development programmes and working with international learners. She has taught and trained in Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea, mainland China and Hong Kong.
Please click here to register (1.5 ECA hours / 1 iGPS unit).
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