王紅華博士 WANG Honghua, Anson
Dr WANG Honghua, Anson (王紅華博士)
PhD (CityU)

Associate Professor
School of Translation and Foreign Languages
Associate Programme Director of Master of Arts in Translation (Business and Legal) Programme

電話 : (852) 3963 5586
電郵 :

Dr Wang received her PhD in Translation Studies from City University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include translator and interpreter training, translation theory and practice and Second Language Acquisition. Her PhD dissertation investigates the interactions between language anxiety, learner beliefs and translation learning.

Selected PublicationsCommunity Services
TopSelected Publications
Journal Articles
  • Yan, J. X., Pan, J., & Wang, H. H. (2018). Research on translator and interpreter training - A collective volume  of  bibliometric  reviews  and  empirical  studies  on    Series:  New Frontiers in Translation Studies, Series Ed. by D. Li. Singapore: Springer.
  • Wang, H. H., Pan, J., & Yan, J. X. (2017). Research on translator training after the New Millennium: A corpus-based review of eight journals on Translation Studies. East Journal of Translation (CIUTI Issue 2017), 24-38.
  • Pan, J., Wang, H. H., &Yan, J. X. (2017). Convergences and divergences between studies on translator training and interpreter training: Findings from a database of English journal article. Target. 29(1), 110-144.
  • Yan, X. J., Pan J., & Wang, H. H. (2015). Studies on translator and interpreter training: a data-driven review of journal articles 2000–12. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 9(3), 107-132.
  • Yan, X., & Wang, H. (2015). Affective factors in the learning of Mandarin Chinese. Journal of International Chinese Studies, 1.
  • Yan, X., & Wang, H. (2015). The interplay between software usage, motivation and gender differences--A survey based on a Putonghua classroom in Hong Kong. Overseas Chinese Education, 76(3), 368-376.
  • Yan, X., & Wang, H. (2013). A review of computer assisted language learning and its application in Chinese classrooms. Journal of International Chinese Studies, 4(2), 59-68.
  • Yan, X., & Wang, H. (2012). Second language writing anxiety and translation: Performance in a Hong Kong tertiary translation class. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 6(2), 171-194. (AHCI & SSCI, Impact factor: 0.478)
  • Wang, H. (2011). An interpretation of lesbian films in the 1990s in America. Movie Literature, 2, 4-6. (Chinese Core Journals)
  • Yan, X. J., Pan J., & Wang, H. (2010). Learner factors, self-perceived language ability and interpreting learning. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 4(2), 173-196. (AHCI & SSCI, Impact factor: 0.435)
  • Pan, J., Sun Z. X., & Wang, H. (2009). Professionalization in interpreting: Current development of interpreting in Shanghai and Jiangsu province. Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages, 32(6), 81-85. (CSSCI, Chinese Social Science Citation Index, Subject category: Linguistics/2010-2011, Ranking: 18/22=81.82%)
  • Pan, J., & Wang, H. (2008). Communication between the speaker and interpreter. Journal of Jiangsu University (Social Science Edition), 4(10), 77-80. (Chinese Core Journals, Core Journals in Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • H. (2004). The creative treason in literature translation. Foreign Language and Culture Studies, 3, 498-510.
Conference Papers
  • Yan, X. J., Wang, H. & Pan, J. (2019). Advancing the Status of Women in Hong Kong through Education. Graduate Women International 33rd Triennial Conference. University of Geneva, Switzerland, 25-28 July.
  • Wang, H., & Pan, J. (2018). Legal translator training in Hong Kong: A case study. Transius Conference 2018. University of Geneva, Switzerland, 18-20 June.
  • Wang, H., & Pan, J. (2018). Investigating advanced translation learners’ problems of lexical cohesion: A corpus-based study of lexical repetition in English to Chinese translation, The 9th Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Conference. University of Malta, Malta, 13-15 June.
  • Wang, H., & Pan, J. (2017). The Development of Textual Competence in Student Translators: A Corpus-based Study of Coherence and Cohesion. Translation [And Interpreting] in Transition 3. Ghent University, Belgium, 13-14 July.
  • Pan, J., Wang, H., & Yan, X. J. (2015). Advances in research on translator and interpreter training: A review of research articles in META. Translation’s horizons: Back to the future. Université de Montréal, Canada. 19-21 August.
  • Wang, H., & Yan, X. J. (2015). Learner beliefs and translation learning. Conference for the 60th Anniversary of META – 1955-2015. Translation’s horizons: Back to the future. Université de Montréal, Canada. 19-21 August.
  • Wang, H., Pan, J., & Yan, X. J. (2015). Global trends of translator training after the new millennium: A data-driven approach. The 5th IATIS Conference: Innovation paths in Translation and Intercultural Studies. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 7-10 July.
  • Yan, X. J, Wang, H., & Wu, H. (2015). A corpus-based formative assessment of interpreting students’ performance. The 5th IATIS Conference: Innovation paths in Translation and Intercultural Studies. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 7-10 July.
  • Pan, J., Wang, H., & Yan, X. J. (2015). Translation Research vs. Interpreting Research: Perspectives from studies on training. The 5th IATIS Conference: Innovation paths in Translation and Intercultural Studies. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 7-10 July.
  • Yan, X. J, Wang, H., & Wu, H. (2015). An investigation into interpreting students’ performance: A corpus-based assessment. International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2015. Taipei, Taiwan, 15-20 March.
  • Yan, X. J., Pan, J., & Wang, H. (2014). The landscape of translator and interpreter training: A data-driven review of articles in ten translation and interpreting journals (2000-12). Plenary paper presented at High-level Forum on “Tradition and Reality--Contemporary Translation Theories and Practice in China and Foreign Countries” (“傳統與現實--當代中外翻譯理論與實踐”高層論壇), Fuzhou, China, 8-10 November.
  • Yan, X. J., Pan, J., & Wang, H. (2014). A review of research on interpreter training in the New Millenium. The 10th China National Conference and International Forum on Interpreting. Interpreting Studies: The Way Forward (第十屆全國口譯大會暨國際口譯研討會. 口譯研究:新視野、新跨越). Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, 17-18 October.
  • Pan, J., Yan, X. J., & Wang, H. (2014). The current trends of research on interpreting pedagogy: a data-driven review. ERITS-KATS International Conference 2014: Pathways to Innovative Training and Pedagogy. Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, 17-18 October.
  • Yan, X., & Wang, H. (2014). The construction and application of an error annotated learner translation corpus in translation classes. Teaching and Language Corpora Eleventh International Conference. University of Lancaster, the United Kingdoms, 20-23 July.
  • Wang, H., & Yan, X. J. (2013). Learner beliefs, language learning and translation learning: An investigation of college students in China. The Twentieth International Conference on Learning. University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece, 11-13 July.
  • Yan, X., Wang H., & Tsoi, C. (2011). Individual differences and technology use in Mandarin Chinese classes: An investigation of Hong Kong college students. eLearning Forum Asia 2011. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 8-10 June.
  • Yan, X. J., Pan, J., & Wang, H. (2010). The interplay between learner factors, language ability and interpretation learning in Hong Kong tertiary classrooms. The 8th National Conference and International Forum on Interpreting. Chengdu, PRC, October.
  • Pan J., & Wang, H. (2009). How variously do beginners err? An analysis of the nature of the semi-natural interpretation by language learners. The 10th International Translation and Interpreting Symposium. Universitat Jaume I, Spain, 12-13 November.
  • Pan, J., & Wang, H. (2009). Professionalization in interpreting: A study on the current development of interpreting in Shanghai and Jiangsu province in China. Paper presented at the Korean Association of Translation Studies (KATS) International Conference. Seoul, Korea, October.
  • H. (2009). Communication, collision and negotiation: Translation in relation with gender. American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting 2009. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, U.S., 26-29 March.
Books and Book Chapters
  • Pan J. & Wang, H. (2012). Investigating the nature of the semi-natural interpretation: A case study. In M. A. Jiménez Ivars, & M. J. Blasco Mayor (Eds.), Interpreting Brian Harris: Recent developments in translatology (pp. 77-94). Switzerland: Peter Lang.
  • Sun, Z. X., Sun, Y. L., Fang X. Y., Wang H. & Pan, J. (2007). English for business communication. Soochow: Soochow University Press.
  • Fang, Y. D., Song, G. L. & Wang, H. (2003). Colorful vocabulary II. Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technological Education Publishing House.
  • Wang, H. H.(2019). The Little One and the Sea. In Mingled Voices 3. International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology 2018: 166.  by Gillian Bickley and Verner Bickley. Hong Kong: Proverse Hong Kong.
  • Wang, H. H.(2019). Ride with a Spider. In Mingled Voices 3. International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology 2018: 165.  by Gillian Bickley and Verner Bickley. Hong Kong: Proverse Hong Kong.
  • Wang, H. H.(2019). Cross. In Mingled Voices 3. International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology 2018: 163. by Gillian Bickley and Verner Bickley. Hong Kong: Proverse Hong Kong.
  • Wang, H. H.(2019). My Jellyend. In Mingled Voices 3. International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology 2018: 164. by Gillian Bickley and Verner Bickley. Hong Kong: Proverse Hong Kong.
Newspaper Articles
  • 〈廣闊知識儲備 精通專業領域〉(2019)。載於文匯報(2019 年 10月 21 日)。
  • 〈多管齊下 做好「交傳」〉(2019)。載於文匯報(2019年 6月21日)。
  • 〈從《流浪地球》看即時傳譯〉(2019)。載於文匯報(2019年 2月25日)。
  • 〈翻譯加點創造更傳神〉(2018)。載於文匯報(2018 年 11月 26 日)。
  • 〈看英文《射鵰》 賞翻譯之妙〉(2018)。載於文匯報(2018年 3月 28日)。
  • 〈影視標題翻譯「忠實的背叛」〉(2017)。載於文匯報(2017 年 11月 8 日)。
  • 〈「譯者心」須貫徹〉(2017)。載於文匯報(2017 年 6月 21 日)。
  • 〈香港法律口譯的前世今生〉(2017)。載於文匯報(2017年 3月 8日)。
  • 〈黑科技與翻譯〉(2017)。載於星島日報(2017年 1月 16日)。
  • 〈交替傳譯有技巧〉(2016)。載於文匯報(2016 年 10月 19 日)。
  • 〈《太陽的後裔》見「神譯」〉(2016)。載於文匯報(2016 年 6月 29 日)。
  • 〈翻譯的未來﹕機器 VS 人類〉(2016)。載於文匯報(2016 年 4月 6日)。
  • 〈行走世界 傳譯全球 --- 國際傳譯員認證機構〉(2015)。載於星島日報(20165年 11月 12日)。
  • 〈譯可譯 非常譯﹖〉(2015)。載於文匯報(2015 年 11 月 4 日)。
TopCommunity Services
  • Honorary Secretary, Hong Kong Association of University Women
  • Member, International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies
  • Member, American Comparative Literature Association
  • Member, Translators Association of China
  • Invited panelist, Developing Teaching Skills in Research Students, CityU Teaching and Learning Fair 2012: A Celebration of Excellence and Innovation
  • Part time translator, Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation
  • Secretariat, Hong Kong Regional Final of the Fifth Cross-Strait Interpreting Contest
  • Secretariat, 2014 International Conference on Translation Education - Computer-Aided Teaching of Translation: Theory, Practice and New Technologies
  • Member of the Managing team, International Putonghua Club
  • Guest, 2013 Chinachem Walkathon for Brightness