26 August 2012 Professor Raymond So visited Lipscomb University and Cottey College in the USA
14 July 2012Ms Linda Ng, Director of Student Affairs, led a delegation to visit Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade and Fujian International Business and Economics College in Fuzhou,…
2012年7月9日(星期一) 英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡龍比亞大學訪問恒管 討論學生交流計劃合作細節 愛丁堡龍比亞大學與恒生管理學院(恒管)於2012年6月13日簽署學生交流合作備忘錄。愛丁堡龍比亞大學商學院院長George Stonehouse教授及助理院長(學術發展)Sandra Watson教授於2012年7月9日蒞臨恒管,雙方進一步討論學生交流計劃的合作細節。 恒管副校長(機構發展)陳羅潔湘博士頒贈紀念品予愛丁堡龍比亞大學商學院院長George Stonehouse教授(左圖)及助理院長(學術發展)Sandra Watson教授(右圖)。
10 May 2012 Lipscomb University’s Visit Prof. Turney Stevens, Prof. Mike Kendrick, Prof. Jeff Jewell and Prof. Laura Williams from College of Business, Lipscomb…
27 April 2012 Student Exchange Programme with Cottey College, USA The Memorandum of Understanding regarding the student exchange programme between Cottey College and HSMC…
30 March 2012 Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony between Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade (SIFT) and HSMC A partnership between the two schools was…
12 September 2011 Lipscomb University Visit Prof Mike Kendrick of Lipscomb University, USA, visited HSMC on Sep 12, 2011 to discuss possible student exchange.…