(只提供英文版)To let students have more solid skills in preparing their Social Innovation Project and participating in the pitching competition, we are pleased to introduce a…
(只提供英文版)The Centre for Greater China Studies (CGCS) would like to invite you to join a webinar fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants…
(只提供英文版)Have you thought of turning your teaching ideas into a project and applying for funding to develop your great ideas? To let our colleagues know…
(只提供英文版)Have you thought of turning your teaching ideas into a project and applying for funding to develop your great ideas? To let our colleagues know…
(只有英文版)Living under the new normal of COVID-19, it is time to equip ourselves through learning from others’ experiences of tackling various challenges! Wu Jieh Yee…
(只有英文版)The HSUHK x SCMP Entrepreneurship Challenge (E-Challenge) 2020 is a joint event organised by WUCIE, Department of Marketing, and South China Morning Post. Considering the current…
(只有英文版)On behalf of Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE) of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK), we would like to…
2020年受疫情及經濟下行的影響下,市場空缺驟降,準畢業生及同學們或許開始擔憂就業前景及來年挑戰。有見及此,學生事務處事業策劃及發展組聯同四大招聘平台合辦 「 疫市前 『恒』」計劃,五月下旬起將推出一連串的求職搶「工」行動,與恒大同學一起逆市前行。行動旨在加強同學的就業競爭力,配對全職或實習機會及開拓不同的事業方向,當中包括三大元素:第一擊:分享就業相關資訊定期在事業策劃及發展組網站、eCampus及以電郵更新主要市場就業狀況及分享求職小技巧。第二擊:職業配對計劃為協助僱主更深入認識恒大同學並進行人才招聘,事業策劃及發展組將為恒大同學與各行各業的僱主進行職業配對。有興趣了解及報名配對計劃的同學,請參與以下網上簡介會:日期 : 5月22日(星期五)時間 : 14:30 – 15:30語言 : 廣東話登記 : 請按此 (簡介會登入網址會稍後發放給已登記的同學)第三擊:自由工作者及升學工作坊全職工作是畢業的唯一出路選擇?升學或投身成為自由工作者/Slash(斜槓)又是否可行?事業策劃及發展組會邀請相關專業人士分享資訊及經驗,為同學開拓其他畢業出路。有關各工作坊的詳情將於稍後另行公佈。恒大人!齊來疫市前行!