(只提供英文版)To let our students have more solid skills in project presentation, we are pleased to introduce the last workshop in our skill-based workshop series “Let’s…
股神巴菲特說過:「不熟悉的行業便不要投資。」從事翻譯工作三十多年的我會說:「不懂的東西便翻不了。」這點尤以財經翻譯為然,因爲譯者必須具備背景知識。僅僅知道招股章程、資產負債表、損益帳等術語英文怎麼說並不足夠,財經翻譯員理應對內容瞭如指掌。身處香港這個國際金融中心,精通中英文又具備財經知識,在職場上定必無往而不利。我會跟各位分享心得,談談如何將語文能力和財經知識結合。日期:2021年2月8日(星期一)時間:下午3時至4時途徑:講座將於網上直播(講座連結將於稍後發送給已登記嘉賓)講者:恒大翻譯及外語學院講師張敬文博士語言:廣東話,輔以英文報名:https://bit.ly/3bnX50h此為免費講座,歡迎所有恒大成員參加。參與的學生會得到 1 ECA小時/1 iGPS單位。如有查詢,請透過 stfl@hsu.edu.hk 或 3963 5490聯絡我們。
(只提供英文版)To recognise the teaching excellence and innovative pedagogy of our academic staff, the HSUHK has launched the Teaching Excellence Awards since the academic year of…
(只提供英文版)To let students have more solid skills in preparing their Social Innovation Project and participating in the pitching competition, we are pleased to introduce a…
本講座旨在透過歷史檔案、佛教經本及出土文物,簡述古代佛典漢譯流程,說明古代譯經師在沒有電腦工具的輔助下,如何把經文從梵文譯為中文。日期:2021年1月7日(星期四)時間:下午3時至4時途徑:講座將透過 Zoom 舉行(講座連結將於稍後發送給已登記嘉賓)。講者:恒大翻譯及外語學院助理教授蕭世友博士語言:廣東話,輔以英文此為免費講座,歡迎所有恒大成員參加。參與的學生會得到 1 ECA小時 / 1 iGPS單位。請按此瀏覽更多詳情及報名。如有查詢,請透過 stfl@hsu.edu.hk 或 3963 5490聯絡我們。
(只提供英文版)To let students have more solid skills in preparing their Social Innovation Project and participating in the pitching competition, we are pleased to introduce a…
(只提供英文版)The Centre for Greater China Studies (CGCS) would like to invite you to join a webinar fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants…
(只提供英文版)Have you thought of turning your teaching ideas into a project and applying for funding to develop your great ideas? To let our colleagues know…
(只提供英文版)Have you thought of turning your teaching ideas into a project and applying for funding to develop your great ideas? To let our colleagues know…
(只有英文版)Living under the new normal of COVID-19, it is time to equip ourselves through learning from others’ experiences of tackling various challenges! Wu Jieh Yee…