SCM3202 - 環球物流管理

學分: 3
時間: 45小時
先修單元: BUS1006 Operations & Supply Chain Management

or with the Instructor’s permission and upon endorsement of the relevant Chairperson and Programme Director
This module is intended to build upon the work of the compulsory core modules listed as entry requirements and to establish a foundation of knowledge, skills and techniques relating to the function of Materials Management and Production/Operation. The knowledge and skills relevant to the integrated management of the supply chain in satisifying customer and corporate objectives will be addressed.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

  1. analyse the strategic and operational benefits obtained from the integrated control of supply chains;

  2. demonstrate an understanding of techniques and procedures, which can be used to control the flow of materials and services from the points of view of Quality, Cost, Environment and Delivery (quantity & time);

  3. apply the Just-In-Time (JIT) concept into the SCM of various business and industries;

  4. assess methods of managing market linkages and supplier relationships in order to obtain requirements; and

  5. analyse the operation and value of information and computing technologies in different types of supply chain.