AMS1640 - Programming for Data Science

學分: 3
時間: 45小時
先修單元: Nil
This module aims at introducing the concepts, technologies and tools for dealing with data. Topics include the basic language syntax, variable declaration, basic operators, programme flow and control, defining and using functions, file and operating system interface. Some scripting languages may be discussed such as object-oriented support, functional programming support, lambda function, and list comprehension. Students will have hands-on programming experience in data preparation, exploration, analysis and visualisation. In addition, the societal and ethical issues in big data will also be discussed.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

  1. understand the history of programming languages and write, compile, execute object-oriented methodology;

  2. apply technical skills for solving practical problems; and

  3. use basic operations and functions to analyse and visualise data.