BJC2112 - 新聞翻譯

學分: 3
時間: 45小時
先修單元: BJC1001 News Reporting and Media Writing in Chinese
BJC2001 News Reporting and Media Writing in English
or with the Instructor’s permission and upon endorsement of the relevant Chairperson and Programme Director
This module equips students with the techniques and theories of news translation. They will be trained in the translation of both local and international news of the print and electronic media on a wide range of news subjects. Emphasis is put on developing the student’s sensitivity to the difference between the Chinese and English languages.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

  1. explain the goals of news translation and criteria of good news translation;

  2. demonstrate competence in translating various news genres and subjects from Chinese into English and vice-versa;

  3. illustrate the rhetorical, grammatical and cultural differences between Chinese and English; and

  4. analyze and identify the basic problems and common solutions to news translation.