STC5191 - 公共事務傳播專題研究

年級:1 or 2
學分: 3
時間: 45小時
先修單元: Nil
The modules are graduate seminars for students who are interested in acquiring a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of topical issues concerning public affairs communication. It examines variable contemporary topics concerning the current practice of public affairs communication in Hong Kong, Mainland China or overseas. It also provides a platform for students to discuss selected research topics of current interest and gives students the opportunity to study the processes of communication as they relate to the public sector.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

  1. acquire a deeper understanding of emerging or contemporary public affairs communication issues through critical examination of theory and practice;

  2. analyse current public affairs communication practices based on a coherent knowledge of existing theory in the discipline; and

  3. identify and evaluate the applicability and effects of contemporary public affairs communication techniques to a variety of contexts.