STC5124 - 危機及議題管理

年級:1 or 2
學分: 3
時間: 45小時
先修單元: Nil
This module aims to equip students with basic knowledge and skills in managing crisis and communicating during a crisis. It is designed to go through the issues and crises life cycle, from the point at which an issue is just a potential, through its development into a crisis, to the stage that crises do happen. Then, the focus shifts to managing crises from a communication perspective, including crisis recognition, response, and post-crisis concerns. Using related theories and skills, students can develop strategic communication and management ability that are essential for managing a crisis.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

  1. critically evaluate the concepts and theories of issues and crisis management;

  2. strategically identify key cross-cutting issues in inter-agency crisis management;

  3. utilise highly specialized communication strategies and skills in the phases of crisis evolvement; and

  4. illustrate crisis response structures and frameworks.