STC5004 - 傳播運動及籌劃

年級:1 or 2
學分: 3
時間: 45小時
先修單元: Nil
This module aims to equip and enhance students with knowledge and techniques in planning and managing communication campaigns. Through examining different cases and examples, students learn to apply research, planning and programme evaluation practices that help ensure success and demonstrate accountability. Students are provided with the opportunities to employ research-based planning and develop effective strategies in a significant campaign planning experience.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

  1. explain the framework and major elements of planning and managing public relations and communication campaigns;

  2. apply research based analyses to understand a situation and generate insights for effective communication strategies;

  3. develop an effective campaign, bringing together a range of public relations and communication strategies as well as tactics to achieve goals and objectives; and

  4. demonstrate their leadership and organizational skills in performing a campaign management role.