
  • Certificate in Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management, Harvard Business School, USA, 2024.
  • Certificate in Higher Education Leadership, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2011.
  • PhD, University of Bradford, UK, 1988.
  • MSc, London School of Economics & Political Science, UK, 1981.
  • BA, University of Washington, USA, 1979.
  • Member (MHKSI), Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute, 2008.
  • Fellow (FCPA), CPA Australia, 2007.
  • Certified General Accountant (CGA), Canadian Certified General Accountants Association, 2006.
  • Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), CPA Canada, 2015
  • Fellow, Chartered Financial Practitioner (FChFP), Asia Pacific Financial Services Association, 2004.
  • Fellow, Certified Risk Planner (CRP), The Institute of Crisis and Risk Management, 2004.
  • Fellow (FAIA) (Hon), International Association of Accountants, UK, 2003.
  • Member (MHKIE), Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Hong Kong, 1994 (inactive).
  • Certified Management Accountant (CMA), The Association of Cost and Executive Accountants, UK, 1990.
  • Member (MBCS), British Computer Society, UK, 1987 (inactive).
  • Member (MIDPM), The Institute of Data Processing Management, UK, 1986 (inactive).
  • Certified Computer Professional (CCP), Institute for Certification of Computer Professionals, USA, 1985.

2014 to now

  • President, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (formerly Hang Seng Management College)

2009 – 2014

  • Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) & Professor, University of Macau.

2004 – 2009

  • Dean & Professor, School of Business; Director, Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

1982 – 2003

  • Assistant Lecturer (82), Lecturer (86), Senior Lecturer (91), Professor (96), School Director (96-02), School of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Taught and conducted research in the areas of accounting, information systems and corporate governance. (On doctoral leave 9/86-12/88, on long leave 9/94-7/95 & 7/02-6/03).

1981 – 1982

  • Assistant Consultant, Hong Kong Productivity Council, Hong Kong. Provided consultancy and training services to clients, including feasibility studies and system development of financial applications.

1974 – 1975

  • Auditor, William Yip & Co., Certified Public Accountants. Performed professional accounting and auditing services for client firms
  • Corporate Governance and Agency Theory
  • Ownership Structure and Family Business
  • Executive Performance Management and Compensations
  • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Regulation of Financial Markets & Responsible Investment
  • Undergraduate Education Reform and Whole Person Development
  • Corporate Governance
  • Family Business Governance
  • Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Outstanding Achievement Award, The Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries, 2021.
  • International Accounting Best Paper Award, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (International Accounting Section), 2017.
  • Honorary Doctorate, Gordon College, USA, 2016
  • KPMG Best Paper Award, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (GIWB Section), 2015.
  • 40+ Distinguished Fellow Award, 2014
  • Chinese Family Business Research Pioneer Award, The China Private Enterprise Economic Research Association, China, 2013
  • K. C. Wong Education Foundation Visiting Scholar, 2011.
  • Aspen Institute 2008 Faculty Pioneer Award, USA, 2008.
  • 100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics 2008, Ethisphere (one of the world’s most recognized body in business ethics and anti-corruption).
  • Best Research Award, International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference, 2006.
  • Best Paper Award, SAAA International Conference, 2002.
  • Marquis Who is Who Listing, 2000.
  • Commonwealth Academic Staff Scholarship (Commonwealth Scholar), 1996-98.
  • International Man of the Year (in Recognition of Services to Management Education),  International  Cambridge  Centre, 1993-94.
  • London School of Economics Academic Excellence Award, 1981.
  • Mortar Board Award, USA, 1979.
  • Certificate of Recognition, The College Registrar (The National Social Register of Prominent College Students and Graduates), USA, 1979.
  • Honoree, Alpha Kappa Psi (Rho Chapter), USA, 1978.
  • The University of Washington International Scholarship, 1977-79.
  • Refereed Journal Papers
    1. Ho, Simon S.M., 2024, ESG Myths and the Objective of a Corporation: Optimising Sustainable Values for Different Stakeholders, Asian Journal of Business Ethics, March 2024.
    2. Chu Teresa, Haw I M, Ho Simon S.M. and Zhang Xu, “Labor Protection, Ownership Concentration and Cost of Equity Capital: International Evidence”, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 54, 1351–1387 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11156-019-00828-1.
    3. Ho, Simon S.M., Li, Annie Yuansha, Tam, Kinsun and Tong, Jamie Y., 2016. Ethical Image, Corporate Social Responsibility, and R&D Valuation, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 40, Part B, December, pp.335-348.
    4. Haw, I.M., Ho, Simon S.M., Li, Annie Y.S., and Zhang Feida, 2016, Product Market Competition, Legal Institutions, and Accounting Conservatism, Journal of International Accounting Research, (Best Paper Award, International Accounting Section, 2017 AAA Annual Meeting), Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.1-39.
    5. Ho, Simon S.M., Li, Annie Y.S., Tam Kin Sun and Zhang Feida, 2015. CEO Gender, Ethical Leadership and Accounting Conservatism,Journal of Business Ethics, March, (KPMG Best Paper Award, GIWB Section, 2015 AAA Annual Meeting), Vol. 127, No. 2, pp. 351-370.
    6. Haw, I.M., Ho, Simon S.M. and Li, Annie Y.S., 2011. Corporate Governance and Earnings Management by Classification Shifting, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 28, Issue 2, Summer, pp. 517-553.
    7. Haw, I.M., Ho, Simon S.M., Hu, Bing-bing and Zhang, Xu, 2011.The Contribution of Stock Repurchases to the Value of the Firm and Cash Holdings Around the WorldJournal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 17, Issue 1, pp. 152-166.
    8. Haw, I.M., Ho, Simon S.M., Hu, Bing-bing and Wu, Woody, 2010. Analysts’ Forecast Properties, Concentrated Ownership and Legal Institution, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Vol. 25, Issue 2, March, pp. 235-239.
    9. Haw, I.M., Ho, Simon S.M. and Hu, Bing-bing, 2009. Concentrated Control, Institutions, and Banking Sector: An International Study”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 34, pp. 485-497.
    10. Ho, Simon S.M. and Chan, Raymond S.Y., 2009. Social Harmony in Hong Kong: Level, Determinants and Policy Implications. Social Indicators Research, Vol. 91, No. 1, pp. 37-58.
    11. Donleavy, D., Lam, J.K.C. and Ho, Simon S.M., 2008. Does East Meet West in Business Ethics? Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 79, No. 1-2, pp. 1-8.
    12. McGee, R.W., Ho, Simon S.M. and Li, Annie, Y.S., 2008. A Comparative Study of Perceived Ethics of Tax Evasion: Hong Kong Vs. The United States. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 77, pp. 147-158.
    13. Li, Annie, Y.S., and Ho, Simon S.M., 2006. Rebuilding Market Confidence: China’s Revised Company Law. The Company Lawyer International,Vol. 27 No. 10, pp. 310-314.
    14. Ho, Simon S.M. and Wong, K.S., 2004. Investment Analysts’ Usage and Perceived Usefulness of Corporate Annual Reports. Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. 1, No.3, pp. 61-71.
    15. Ho, Simon S.M., 2004. Auditor Independence and Accountability: Key Issues in Hong Kong, International Accountant, pp. 28-30.
    16. Ho, Simon S.M., Lam, Kevin C.K. and Sami, Heibatollah, 2004. The Investment Opportunity Set, Director Ownership, and Corporate Policies: Evidence from an Emerging Market. Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol.10, 3, pp. 383-408.
    17. Mensah, Y.M., Song, X. and Ho, Simon S.M., 2004. The Effect of Conservatism on Analysts’ Annual Earnings Forecast Accuracy and Dispersion. The Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, pp.159-183.
    18. Mensah, Y.M., Song, X. and Ho, Simon S.M., 2003. The Long-term Payoff from Increased Corporate Disclosures. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy,22, No. 2, March/April 2003, pp. 107-150.
    19. Ho, Simon S.M and Wong, K.S., 2003. Preparers’ Perceptions of Corporate Reporting and Disclosure. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, No.1, pp. 71-81.
    20. Liu, B., Liu, X., Li, S.X and Ho, Simon S.M., 2003. CEO Pays and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study on their relationship, Accounting Research (in Chinese), 3, pp. 35-39.
    21. Ho, Simon S.M., 2002. Corporate Ownership and Governance of Listed Firms in China. Corporate Governance International, March.
    22. Jaruga, A. and Ho, Simon S.M., 2002. Management Accounting in Transitional Economies. Management Accounting Research, 13, pp. 375-378.
    23. Ho, Simon S.M. and Chan, Raymond, S.Y. and, 2001. Desired Attributes of Public Accounting Firms in the Job Selection Process: An Empirical Examination of Accounting Graduates Perceptions. Accounting Education: An International Journal, 9(2), pp. 1-13.
    24. Ho, Simon S.M. and Wong, K.S., 2001. A Study of Corporate Disclosure Practice and Effectiveness in Hong Kong. Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 75-102.
    25. Ho, Simon S.M. and Wong, K.S., 2001. A Study of The Relationship between Corporate Governance Structures and the Extent of Voluntary Disclosure. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Vol. 10, pp. 139-156.
    26. Ho, Simon S.M., 2001. Inside China’s Governance Reform. Company Secretary, December, pp. 10-14.
    27. Ho, Simon S.M., 2001. Risk Perception and Handling in Capital Investment: An Empirical Study of Senior Executives in Hong Kong. Advances in Management Accounting, pp. 251-271.
    28. Ho, Simon S.M. and Pike, Richard H., 1998. Organizational Characteristics Influencing the Use of Risk Analysis in Strategic Capital Investment. The Engineering Economists, Vol. 43, No. 3, Spring, pp. 247-268.
    29. Ho, Simon S.M. and Pike, Richard H., 1997. Risk Analysis Effectiveness in Capital Budgeting and Firm Specific Contingencies. International Journal of Business Studies, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 57-76.
    30. Ho, Simon S.M., 1997. Information Systems and Decision Supports for Capital Budgeting Decisions. Journal of Information Technology, pp. 119-128.
    31. Ho, Simon S.M., Yang, Lloyd C.L. and Lo, Henry, 1995. Senior Executives’ Perception and Control of Risk in Capital Investment Decisions: Taiwan Perspectives. Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 11-27.
    32. Ho, Simon S.M. and Ng, Victor, 1994. A Study of Consumers’ Risk Perception of Electronic Payment Systems. International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol.12, No.4, pp. 26-38.
    33. Ho, Simon S.M., 1993. DataBase Systems Implementation and Usage: Practices and Problems. Hong Kong Journal of Business Management, Vol. X, pp. 37-56.
    34. Ho, Simon S.M. and Pike, Richard H., 1992. Adoption of Probabilistic Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting and Corporate Investment. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol.19, No.3, pp. 387-405.
    35. Ho, Simon S.M., 1992. Strategic use of Information Systems: Opportunities or Threats? Hong Kong Managers, August, pp. 10-15.
    36. Ho, Simon S.M., 1992. The Impact of Using Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting on Earnings Performance. The International Journal of Accounting, pp. 227-238.
    37. Ho, Simon S.M. and Pike, Richard H., 1991. Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting Context: Barriers and Benefits. OMEGA (The International Journal of Management Science), Vol.19, No.4, pp. 235-245.
    38. Ho, Simon S.M. and Pike, Richard H., 1991. Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting Context: Simple or Sophisticated?. Accounting and Business Research, Vol.21, No.83, pp. 227-238.
    39. Ho, Simon S.M., 1985. An Integrated Framework for Participative System Design: Issues and Implications. Hong Kong Computer Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, February, pp. 30-40.
    40. Ho, Simon S.M., 1985. The Social Aspect of EFTPOS. Hong Kong Computer Journal, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 26-27 & 30.
    41. Ho, Simon S.M., 1984. Use and Organizational Implications of Data Base Systems: Some Hong Kong Experiences. Data Base, Vol. 16, No. 1, Fall, pp. 27-36.
  • Books
    1. 葉保強與何順文, 2020. 《創辦人價值觀與公司文化構建──何善衡與恒生銀行早期文化》, 信報出版.
    2. 何順文與林自強 (編), 2020.《企業管治新論》, 匯智出版.
    3. 何順文, 2016. 《領導的價值[》, 恒生管理學院與星島出版.
    4. Ho, Simon S.M. and Li, Annie Y.S., 2010. Corporate Governance and Institutions in China 《 中 國 公 司 管 治 與 制 度 》 , Infolink Publishing Limited.
    5. Ho, Simon S.M. and Ko, Annie H.C., 2008. Corporate Governance: Analysis of Listed Company Problems 《 企 業 管 治 : 上 市 公 司 問 題 分 析 》 , Infolink Publishing Limited.
    6. Ho, Simon S.M. and Li, Annie Y.S., 2006. Corporate Governance in China: A Critical Analysis 《 中 國 內 地 公 司 管 治 評 析 》 , China Finance and Economic Press.
    7. Ho, Simon S.M., Scott, Robert Haney and Wong, K.A., 2004. The Hong Kong Financial System. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.
    8. Ho, Simon S.M., 2003, Corporate Governance and Disclosures in China: Key Problems and Prospects, Monograph, Centre for Accounting Disclosures and Corporate Governance, School of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
    9. Ho, Simon S.M., 2003, Corporate Governance and Disclosures in Hong Kong: Key Problems and Prospects, Monograph, Centre for Accounting Disclosures and Corporate Governance, School of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
    10. Ho, Simon S.M., (Ed) 1996. Accounting: A New Perspective 《 會 計 學 新 論 》 , Commercial Publishing (H.K.) Co.
    11. Ho, Simon S.M and Nyaw, Mee Kau, (Eds) 1995. Insights of Successful Managers 《 成 功 經 理 啓 示 錄 》 , Commercial Publishing (H.K.) Co.
    12. Ho, Simon S.M and Nyaw Mee Kau, (Eds) 1993. The Changing Business Management in Hong Kong 《 轉 變 中 的 香 港 企 業 管 理 》 , Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Ltd.
    13. Ho, Simon S.M and Fong, Joseph, (Eds) 1990. Data Modelling Techniques: Hong Kong Computer Society.
    14. Ho, Simon S.M., Yang, P. H., Chu, Frederick, Poon, Lillian and Tse, Charles, (Eds) 1990. Data Base Management Systems In Hong Kong: Data Base Special Interest Group, Hong Kong Computer Society.
  • Book Chapters
    1. 何順文,2015, 企業社會責任 : 謬誤與珍實〈王寛誠教育基金會學術講座滙編(羅宏杰主編), pp. 90-96.
    2. Ho, Simon S.M. (2015). UM Cross-Border New Campus: Visions and Missions. In Ming K. Chan and Jack H. T. Leong (Ed), Macao: Breakthrough and Changes in China’s Special Administrative Region, University of Toronto Press (forthcoming).
    3. 何順文與 陳 曉 雲 , 2013. 中 國 家 族 企 業 社 會 責 任 報 告 ( 澳 門 特 區 ) , < 中 國 家 族 企 業 社 會 責 任 報 告 2 0 1 3 > ( Chinese Family Business Report on Corporate Social Responsibility ), 中 國 民 ( 私 ) 營 經 研 究 会 家 族 企 業 委 員 會 , pp. 96-130.
    4. Ho, Simon S.M., 2008. Hong Kong System of Corporate Governance. In A. Naciri (Ed), Corporate Governance Around the World, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 198-229.
    5. Ho, Simon S.M., 2008. The Chinese National System of Corporate Governance. In A. Naciri (Ed), Corporate Governance Around the World, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 230-258.
    6. Ho, Simon S.M., 2005. Corporate Ownership and Governance in China. In Ahmed Naciri (Ed.). Corporate Governance Beyond Rules(in French), Quebec: University of Quebec Press.
    7. Ho, Simon S.M., 2004. Corporate Governance in China, The Practitioner’s Guide to Corporate Governance in Asia, ISI Publication, pp. 71-88.
    8. Ho, Simon S.M., 2004. Corporate Governance in Hong Kong. in Ho, S.S.M, Scott, R.H. and Wong K.A., The Hong Kong Financial System, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.
    9. Ho, Simon S.M. and Xu, Hai Gen, 2002. Corporate Governance in China. In C.K. Low (Eds.), Corporate Governance: An Asia-Pacific Critique, pp. 269-302, Hong Kong: Sweet & Maxwell.
    10. Ho, Simon S.M., 1999. Investors’ Information Requirements and Firms’ Voluntary Disclosure Behavior, Accounting Year Book of China 1999 (in Chinese), pp. 351-353, China: China Financial Publisher.
    11. Ho, Simon S.M. and Chan, Siu Yeung., 1996. Disclosure Issues of Annual Reports and Financial Statements. In S.S.M. Ho (Eds.),Accounting: A New Perspective (in Chinese), pp. 275-296, Hong Kong: Commercial Publishing (H.K.) Co.
    12. Ho, Simon S.M. & Pike, Richard H., 1992. The Use of Risk Analysis Techniques in Capital Investment Appraisal. Risk: Analysis, Assessment and Management, pp. 71-94.
    13. Ho, Simon S.M., 1991. Information Technology in Banking and Finance, Hong Kong Financial System: Policies and Issues, pp. 305-337, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.
    14. Ho, Simon S.M., 1990. An Integrative Operational Framework for Strategic Risk Analysis. In K. Borcherding, O.I. Larichv and D.M. Messick (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Decision Making, pp. 305-314, USA: Elsevier Science Publisher.
    15. Ho, Simon S.M., 1986. Management and Accounting Information System: A Critical Analysis. In M.F. Massoud (Eds.), The Economics of Accounting, USA: American Accounting Association.
    16. Ho, Simon S.M., 1985. Electronic Fund Transfer Systems. In R.H. Scott, K.A. Wong & Y.K. Ho (Eds.), Hong Kong’s Financial Institutions and Markets, pp. 153-179, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.
  1. Establishment of the Centre for Greater China Studies, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, (Project Holder, Team Leader: Kao Lang, Team Members: Victor Chan, Alex Cheung, Desmond Hui, Eva Hung, Paul Lee, Lucille Ngan, Tam Kwok Kan, Wong Muk Yan) HK$7,403,799, Institutional Development Scheme, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 2017-2021 (: UGC/IDS14/17)
  2. Establishment of the Deep Learning Research and Application Centre, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (Project Holder, Team Leader: Siu Sai Cheong, Team Members: Chan Chi Kong, Benson Lam, Liu Hai, Trevor Siu, Wong Po Choi, Wong Wai Kit, Willy Yue) HK$6,998,000, Institutional Development Scheme, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 2016-2019 (Ref.: UGC/IDS14/16)
  3. Establishment of the Research Institute for Business, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (Project Holder, Team Leader: Felix Tang, Team Members: Bradley Barnes, Haksin Chan, Andy Cheng, Irene Chow, David Chui, Kevin Lam, Karen Yeung) HK$13,484,000, Institutional Development Scheme, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 2015-2017 (Ref.: UGC/IDS14/15)
  4. The Value of Research & Development Expenditures and Corporate Governance: An International Study, (Co-PI with Xu Zhang and In-Mu Haw) MOP$839,400, Research Committee, University of Macau, Jun 2011 – May 2014.
  5. Cost of Debt, Corporate Transparency, and Corporate Governance around the World, Hong Kong Baptist University (PI, with Bingbing Hu & In-Mu Haw) HK$487,000, General Research Fund, Research Grant Council, Hong Kong, 2008-2009.
  6. Concentrated Ownership and Analysts’ Forecast Properties, (PI, with Bingbing Hu, In-Mu Haw and Lee Seok Hwang) HK$25,000, Faculty Research Grant, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2005-2006.
  7. Sources of Relative Efficiency and Productivity Gains in Airport Ownership and Governance Reform: An Analysis of Consistency and inconsistency, (PI, with Singchun Sun) HK$149,680, Faculty Research Grant, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2004-2005.
  8. Concentrated Ownership, Investor Protection and Performance of International Financial Institutions, (PI, with Bingbing Hu, In-Mu Haw) HK$142,500, Faculty Research Grant, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2004-2005.
  9. Production of a Comprehensive Business Case Study of Karrie International for Enhancing Teaching and Learning for the MSc in Corporate Governance, (PI, with Joseph K.W. Fung) HK$100,000,Teaching Development Grants, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2004-2005.
  10. The Effect of Clients’ Corporate Governance and Management Integrity on Audit Qualification: An Empirical Study, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (PI, with Kevin Lam, M. Ferguson & Yuqing Zhou), HK$235,667, Earmarked Research Grant (renamed as General Research Grant from 2008), Research Grant Council, Hong Kong, 2000-2001.
  11. Family Control, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance, (PI) HK$100,000, CUHK Direct Research Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000-2001. (Project ID: 2070225)
  12. Current Practice and Perceived Effectiveness of Corporate Government, (PI) HK$100,000, Asia-Pacific Institute of Business, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  13. A Study of Job Choice Decision of Public Accounting Firm by Accounting Graduates (PI, with S.Y. Chan), HK$100,000, CUHK Direct Research Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999-2000. (Project ID: 2070188).
  1. Dr. Gong Jian, awarded PhD degree (2016), Thesis Title: How Does Historical Firm Performance Influence the Market’s Confidence in Analysts’ Prediction, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau.
  2. Dr. Andy Xi, awarded PhD degree (2009), School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University.
    Thesis Title: The Nontradable Share Reform and Firm Performance in China.
  3. Dr. Annie H.C. Ko, awarded PhD degree (2009), School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University.
    Thesis Title: The Relationships among Executive Compensations, Industry Concentration, Ownership Structure, Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Institutions: A Study of 4 East Asian Economies.
    Dr. Ko is currently lecturering at the Faculty of Business, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  4. Dr. Annie Y.S. Li, awarded PhD degree (2008) by The Hong Kong Baptist University.
    Thesis Title: Corporate Governance and Earnings Management by Misclassification: A Study of Eight East Asian Economies
    Dr. Li is currently Assistant Professor in the Manning School of Business, The University of Massachusetts.
  5. Dr. Raymond S.Y. Chan, awarded PhD degree (1996) by The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
    Thesis Title: Calibration of Firm Failure Predication
    Dr. Chan is currently Associate Professor in the School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  6. Mr. K.S. Wong, awarded M.Phil degree (1998) by The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
    Thesis Title: Corporate Governance in Hong Kong: A Study of the Relationship between Corporate Governance Structures and Voluntary Disclosures
    Mr. Wong is currently Lecturer in the School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University.


  • “Re-conceptualizing Corporate Sustainability and Responsibilities: Back to Stakeholder Theory”, Talent Management Summit 2016, Hong Kong, 8 July 2016.


  • “Redefining for Purpose of Business: From CSR, Creating Sharing Values to Strengthening Civic  Foundation”, 5th World Business Ethics Forum, The University of Macau, Macau, 9 December 2014.


  • “CEO Gender, Ethical Leadership and Accounting Conservatism”, 2013 Annual Meeting of American Accounting Association, 2013 (Granted the KPMG Best Paper Award, GIWB Section) , August 2013.


  • Valuing Liberal Arts in Asian Higher Education, “A 4-Dimensional Liberal Education Model: The University of Macau Experience“, Asian University Leaders Program (AULP), 24-28 Jan 2011.


  • “Value-Based Education and University Ethical Leadership”, Ethics and Values in Higher Education in the Era of Globalization: What Role for the Disciplines?, International Association of University 2010 World Congress (organized in partnership with Mykolas Romerio University), Vilnius, Lithuania, 24-26 Jun 2010.


  • “The Composition, Role and Risk of the Board of Directors”,Optimising Corporate Governance and Reporting Summit 2009, Beacon Events and The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies, Hong Kong, 9-10 December 2009.
  • “Corporate Governance in China”, INPACT Asia Pacific 2009 Annual Conference, Apact Limited, Macao, 2 December 2009.
  • “The Development and Concerns of Social Enterprises in Macao”,Social Enterprise Summit 2009, The Hong Kong Policy Research Foundation (PRF), Hong Kong, 13-14 November 2009.
  • “Shaping the Future Citizens: Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Understanding”, IAU International Conference 2009: The Role of Higher Education in Fostering the Culture of Dialogue and Understanding, Notre Dame University-Louaizé, Lebanon, 4 – 6 November 2009.
  • “Some Reflections on China’s Building the Power of Higher Education”, 2009 Higher Education International Forum: “Building the Power of Higher Education”, Chinese Association of Higher Education and the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, 25 to 27 October 2009.
  • “University Business Education after the Global Financial Crisis”,2009 Presidents’ Forum of the World Universities: The University’s Role in the Development of Industry and Society, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, October 15-16, 2009.
  • “CEO Compensation, Ownership Structure, and Corporate Governance Attributes”, The 5th International Symposium of Corporate Governance, Business School, Nankai University, China, September 5-6, 2009.
  • “Survey on the Employability and Quality of Accounting Graduates: Local Hong Kong vs Overseas Returning”, CPA Australia International Forum for Academics, Melbourne, Australia, June 11-12, 2009.
  • “Earnings Management by Classification Shifting and Corporate Governance: A Study of East Asian Economies” (with Haw, In-Mu and Li, Annie Y.S.), Special Joint Symposium of Contemporary Accounting Research and Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, Hong Kong, China, January 3-4, 2009.


  • “Social Corporate Responsibility: Concepts, Practices, Myths & Strategy”, ACCA Hong Kong Annual Conference 2008 (Theme: Three-Dimensional Accountants), Hong Kong, China, June 7, 2008.
  • “Social Corporate Responsibility: Concepts, Practices, Myths & Strategy”, Corporate Ethics & Compliance Conference (Theme: Transforming Corporate Ethics & Compliance into a Competitive Advantage), Hong Kong, China, May 27-29, 2008.
  • “Perception of Risk and Risk Management by C-level Executives in Financial Institutions of Hong Kong”, Crisis & Risk Management Society of Japan (CRMSJ) 2008 China CRM – Hong Kong Conference, May 19, 2008.
  • “Concentrated Control, Regulatory Institutions, and Bank Operations: An International Study”, 31st Annual Congress of the European Accounting Associationheld in Rotterdam, The Netherlands from April 23 to 25, 2008.


  • “A Study on CEO Compensations of Family Businesses vs Non-Family Business in Hong Kong”, (with Ko, Annie H.C.), The 2ndAsia-Pacific Corporate Governance Conference (Theme: Governance & Performance of Family Business), Hong Kong, China, August 23-24, 2007.


  • “A Comparative Study on Perceived Ethics of Tax Evasion: Hong Kong Vs The United States”, 2006 Conference of Asian Forum on Business Education (AFBE), Hanoi, Vietnam, December 4-5, 2006.
  • “The Ethics of Tax Evasion: Perceptions of Business Students in Hong Kong”, The 10th World Congress of Accounting Educators & The 3rd Annual International Accounting Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, November 9-11, 2006.
  • Social Harmony in Hong Kong: Level, Determinants and Policy Implications”, International Symposium on the Well-Being of Nations – A Cross-Cultural Dialogue, Taipei, Taiwan, November 5-6, 2006.
  • “A Comparative Study on Perceived Ethics of Tax Evasion: Hong Kong Vs the United States”, (with McGee, Robert W. and Li, Annie Y.S.), World Business Ethics Forum Theme: Does East Meet West? Hong Kong and Macau, China, November 1-3, 2006.
  • “Corporate Governance and Compliance Practice Management: Role of Compliance on Fraud Investigation and Prevention and Its Risk Control”, Anti-Money Laundering & Fraud Prevention Asia Conference, Hong Kong, China, October 12, 2006.
  • “Risk Management and Corporate Governance”, The First Integrated Enterprise Risk Management Forum 2006, Beijing, China, September 15-16, 2006.
  • “Institutions and Corporate Governance Reforms: The Basis for China’s Stock Market Development(制度與公司治理改革:內地股市發展之本)”, The First China International Finance Conference, Guangzhou, China, June 29-30, 2006.
  • “Corporate Governance in China: Ownership Reform Implications”Internal Audit, Corporate Governance & Compliance World 2006 Summit, Shanghai, China, April 26-27, 2006.
  • “Corporate Governance Assessment and Certification”, 11 International Conference on ISO9000 & TQN Conference, Hong Kong, China, April 10-12, 2006.
  • “Building Asian Business Education Accreditation”, (with Silvio L. Emery), 2006 International Business School Shanghai Conference, Shanghai, China, March 28-29, 2006.
  • “Corporate Governance in China – How to Tell Who’s Good & Who’s Bad?” Greater China Conference 2006, Shanghai, China, January 16-18, 2006.


  • “Management Buyouts in China: Draining State Assets or Optimizing Ownership Structures?”, The 2005 Asian Forum on Business Education (AFBE)- Asian Management, Education and Consumer Behavior, Values, Styles and Trends, Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand, November 30-December 2, 2005.
  • “Corporate Governance: Core Problems and Recent Development in HK”, 2005 International Conference on Corporate Governance, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, November 3, 2005.


  • “Strategic partnership and Alliances for Business Schools: Some Models and Implications”, 10th Asian Forum on Business Education, Shanghai, China, June 2004.


  • “Corporate Governance in China: An Integrated Framework for Research & Some Implications”, 2nd International Symposium on Empirical Accounting Research, Council of Chinese Accounting Review, Chongqing, China, December 13-14, 2003.
  • “Comments on the ISAR Global Model Accounting Curriculum”,UNCTAD Workshop on Restoring Investor Confidence Through Strengthening the Accounting Profession, United Nation Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva, Switzerland, March 31-April , 2003.


  • “The Investment Opportunity Set, Director Ownership and Corporate Policies: Evidence from an Emerging Market”, (with H. Sami and K. Lam), 2002 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA, August 14-16, 2002.
  • “The Investment Opportunity Set, Director Ownership and Corporate Policies: Evidence from an Emerging Market”, (with H. Sami and K. Lam), 2002 European Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 26-28, 2002.


  • “The Long-term Payoff from Increased Corporate Disclosures”, (with Y. Mensha and Xiaofei Song), 9th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics and Accounting, New Brunswick, New Jersey, September 21 & 22, 2001.
  • “The Effect of Confucian Dynamism Accounting Graduates’ Job Choice Decision”, 2nd Asian Academic Accounting Association Conference, Penang, Malaysia, September 17-19, 2001 and 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, November 27-30, 2001.
  • “The Impact of China’s Entrance to WTO on Its Accounting Development” at the Seminar on China Accounting Regulations, Trade Development Council, H.K., August 31, 2001.
  • “Do Corporate Governance Mechanisms Lead to More Voluntary Disclosures?” at the Symposium on Corporate Governance & Disclosures, February 22 & 23, 2001, H.K.


  • A Comparison of Annual Reports Preparers’ and Users’ Perceptions of the Value of Selected Voluntary Disclosure Items and Their Actual Disclosure by Firms” at the 12th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Beijing, PRC, October 20-24, 2000, and at the IAAER 3rd Biennial International Accounting Conference, Kobe, Japan, October 6-7, 2000.
  • “A Study on the Corporate Governance Structures and the Extent of Voluntary Disclosures” at the 11th International Conference of Accounting Academic, Hong Kong, June 15, 2000, The South African Accounting Association (SAAA) Biennial International Conference 2000, Western Cape, South Africa, July 3-5, 2000,(PricewaterhouseCoopers Best Paper Award), The 2000 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 13-16, 2000, Asian Academic Accounting Association Inaugural World Conference, Singapore, August 27-29, 2000 and Korean Accounting Association Annual Conference 2000, Seoul, South Korea, December 16, 2000.
  • “Employers’ Perception on the Quality of Accounting Education and Graduates in Hong Kong”, Business & Technology Symposium, The City University of Hong Kong, April 13, 2000.


  • “The Corporate Ownership Structure and Information Disclosure in Asian Financial Crisis” at the International Conference on China Accounting, Zhongzhan University, Guangzhou, PRC, December 10-11, 1999.
  • “Corporate Governance Structure and Corporate Disclosure Strategies” at the 1999 Annual Meeting of China Accounting Profession Association (CAPA), Dalian, PRC, July 23-25.
  • “East-Asian Financial Crisis and the Role of Disclosure” at the First Globalization Conference, American Accounting Association and Taiwan Accounting Association, Taipei, Taiwan, July 10-15, 1999.
  • “Association between the Investment Opportunity Set and Corporate Financing, Dividend, Leasing and Compensation Policies: Some Evidences from an Emerging Market” at the 11th Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Melbourne, Australia, November, 1999.
  • “Government Auditing in Hong Kong” at the Symposium on the Reforms of Government Auditing System organized by the Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University, March 4-5, 1999.


  • “Towards 4.0 University: Returning to Basics and Public Missions of Education 邁向4.0大學: 返璞回歸教育的本質與公共目標”, Annual Education Conference 2018/19, organized by Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 14 March 2019.
  • 「大學教育的價值:從恒管到恒大的一些反思」,Rotary Club Meeting, organized by Rotary Club of Central Harbourfront Hong Kong, 19 February 2019.
  • 「從貿易戰暫停火到大灣區建設:香港的角色與挑戰」,「貿易戰、大灣區建設與香港」 論壇,香港管理專業協會工商管理研究社及香港恒生大學合辦,2019年1月26日。
  • 「新世代下年青人應具備的能力素養」,屯門商會例會,屯門商會,2019年1月22日。


  • 「企業的社會責任新趨勢」,第十五屆世界華商高峰會,世界華商組織聯盟,2018年10月18-20日。
  • 「企業管治創造持份者價值」,保險業財策高峰會暨RFC Day, Hong Kong and Macau International Association of Registered Financial Consultants, 9 October 2018.
  • “MLA: Reality and Challenges”, MLA Workshop, Peter F. Drucker Academy (Hong Kong), 29-30 September, 2018.
  • 「傳統行業和大專院校如何促進金融科技」,2018 Finwise 紛智全球金融科技峰會香港站 ,FINWISE紛智峰會, 2018年8月10-11日。
  • Humanity Qualities and the Role of Liberal Arts Institutions in the Region, Global Humanities Festival and International Conference: Asian and Global Commitments”, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, April 16-20, 2018.
  • 「人民教育與人民素養」,香港作家聯會講座,香港作家聯會,2017年10月28日。


  • “Building a New Campus for an Institutional Transformation: Breakthroughs in Higher Education Development & Regional Integration”, Higher Education Planning In Asia Forum 2013, organized by Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea, 16 April 2013.


  • “University of Macau: One of the World’s Top Universities in the Making?”, business luncheon organized by British Business Association of Macao, 25 October 2012.
  • “Cross-Border New Campus as Education & Regional Integration Breakthrough”, 2nd Annual EduBuild Asia 2012 Singapore, organized by IBC Asia (S) Pte Ltd., 28 March 2012.
  • “Cross-Border New Campus as Education & Regional Integration Breakthrough”, 2012 UM-UT Symposium, Canada, co-organized by the University of Toronto and University of Macau, 19 March 2012.


  • 「企 業 社 會 責 任 : 謬 誤 與 真 實 」 , 王 寬 誠 教 育 基 金 會 學 術 講 座, 北 京 清 華 大 學, 2011 年 9 月 22 日 。
  • 「年 青 人 社 會 階 層 流 動」 , 民 建 聯 兩 岸 四 地 青 年 高 峰 會, 香 港, 2011 年 6 月 11 日 。


  • “Chinese Wisdom and Modern Management”, Chinese Wisdom and Modern Management Series II, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers CAD/SSC Joint Symposium, HKPU, 1 March 2010.
  • “Re-Building Core Values In Business after the Global Financial Crisis”, Symposium on the Current Practice and Prospects of Anti-Corruption in the Private Sector, Commission Against Corruption (Macao), Macao, 23 February 2010.


  • “Corporate Governance and Business Ethics: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis”, The Mainland-Macao-HK Symposium on the Current Practice and Prospects of Anti-Corruption in the Private Sector, Commission Against Corruption (Macao), Independent Commission Against Corruption (Hong Kong) and Ministry of Supervision (China), Macao, 9-10 November 2009.
  • “Corporate Governance for Value Creation: Lessons from the Recent Financial Crisis”, Seminar on Corporate Governance, organized by New World Services (NWS) Holdings Ltd., Hong Kong, June 22.
  • “Corporate Governance and Value Management”, Rotary International Conference, organized by Rotary International – Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia, Macau, February 21, 2009.
  • “Seminar on Corporate Governance and Value Creation: Lessons from the Recent Financial Crisis”, organized by Macau Society of registered Accountants and CPA Australia (Hong Kong Office), Macau, February 18, 2009.


  • 「金融海嘯之根由及啟示」, Pearson Longman Seminar, organized by the Pearson Longman Hong Kong Ltd, December 13, 2008.
  • 「重拾社會與企業的核心價值: 最近金融海嘯談起」, Lions Club of South Kowloon, 2nd Luncheon, Year 2008/09, December 9, 2008.
  • “CEO Compensations, Ownership Structure, and Corporate Governance Attributes: A Hong Kong Study”, Post Conference of First Annual Listed Companies: Corporate Governance Conference 2008 organized by Courses & Seminars Limited, December 5, 2008.
  • “Corporate Governance for Insurance Brokerage Firms”, The Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers (CIB) Annual Conference, September 18, 2008.
  • “Value Creation, Competitiveness & Corporate Governance”,Seminar on Leadership Development for GIA, co-organized by General International Agency, Peter F. Ducker Academy and Hong Kong Baptist University, September 10, 2008.
  • “Concentrated Control, Regulatory Institutions, and Banking Operations: An International Study”, (with Haw, In-Mau, Hu, Bingbing and Wu, Donghui) Seminar of the Institute for Financial & Accounting Studies, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, May 22-24, 2008.
  • “Risk Management for SMEs: What and Why?”, HSBC Living Business Seminar, Business Environment Council Limited, April 10, 2008.
  • “The 3 Elements of Leadership”, General International Agency Limited (GIA) Awards Presentation Ceremony, March 3, 2008.
  • “CEO Compensations, Ownership Structure, and Corporate Governance Attributes: A Hong Kong Study”, The Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts Seminar, February 2, 2008.
  • “Corporate Governance: Background, Principles & Issues”,Financial Planning Professionals Association, January 30, 2008.
  • “Concentrated Control, Institutions, and Banking Sector: An International Study”, Opening Ceremony of Corporate Governance Research Centre, Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Thailand, January 10, 2008.


  • “企業社會責任: 理念、實務、謬誤與策略”, Hon. Mandy Tam Heung-Man Tea Gathering with Fellow Accountants, December 21, 2007.
  • “對民主黨及港府傳聞醫療融資方案的回應”, The Democratic Party Health Financing Reform Forum, organized by the Secretariat of Legislative Councillors of the Democratic Party, December 6, 2007.
  • “From Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Wellness Management”, AmCham Health & Wellness Committee, November 16, 2007.
  • 2006“商業創新與競爭力”, 商業創新與競爭力研討會, October 20, 2007.
  • “Corporate Governance for Non-Profit & Non-government Organizations”, HKU SPACE Staff Seminar, October 5, 2007.
  • “Modernized Management”, 2007 Training Seminar Programme on Management for a Legal Firm, September 7, 2007.
  • “How to Take your Corporate Governance to the Next Level: Learnings from the CHKLC – HKBU CG Survey Findings”, The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies Corporate Governance Seminar Series, August 15, 2007.
  • “The Risk Profile of INEDs”, AoN Global Director’s Series, July 5, 2007.
  • “Perception of Global Institutional Investors on Corporate Governance in China (環球機構投資者對中國公司治理之看法)”, New Book 《中國內地公司管治評析》Launching Ceremony cum Seminar at the Peking University, Beijing, January 17, 2007.


  • “Ethics: A Pivotal Asset in Corporate Governance & Leadership”,Ethical Leadership for the New Generation Training Programme, Independent Commission Against Corruptions (ICAC), November 4, 2006.
  • “The Hong Kong Corporate Governance Code”, Hon. Mandy Tam Heung-Man Tea Gathering with Fellow Accountants, October 27, 2006.
  • “Corporate Governance in Asia? Unique Aspects” Forum of Risky Business? Corporate Governance in Asia 2006, September 25-26, 2006.
  • “Corporate Governance : Principles, Trends, Myths and Assessment”, Canadian Certified General Accountants Association of Hong Kong Seminar, September 23, 2006.
  • “Corporate Governance and Ethical Leadership (企業管治與道德領導)”, Lions Club of South Kowloon, Hong Kong, September 12, 2006.
  • “Institutions and Corporate Governance Reforms: The Basis for China’s Stock Market Development(制度與公司治理改革:內地股市發展之本)”, 上市公司治理評級體系發佈暨中國上市公司治理研討會, Shenzhen, China, July 13, 2006.
  • “Corporate Governance Principles, Practices and Assessment”, The Corporate Governance Workshop of the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation, June 3, 2006.
  • “Corporate Governance for Commercial Banks”, Seminar on Corporate Governance for DBS Bank Hong Kong, April 24, 2006.
  • “Corporate Governance : principles, Practices and problems (公司管治: 原則、實務與問題)”, Seminar on Corporate Governance, Federation of Hong Kong Industries, April 3, 2006.
  • “Corporate Governance Assessment and Certification”, Seminar of Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute, March 18, 2006.
  • “公司治理: 內地股市及股權改革之本” 2006年香港浸會大學MBA中國校友會迎金禧新春聯誼會, Guangzhou, China, February 25, 2006.


  • “The New HKEx Corporate Governance Code & Report: Limitations & Implications”, Seminar on “Corporate Governance Report”, ACCA Hong Kong, November 12, 2005.
  • “打造有競爭力的創業環境與文化”, 第二屆江蘇青年創業論壇, The Jiangsu Youth Chamber of Commerce, Nanjing, China, July 29-31, 2005.
  • “中小企成長及管治模式”, Seminar of The Art of Building Your Own Business, The Junior Chamber International, June 4, 2005.
  • “如何選擇MBA課程”, 2005 MBA & Postgraduate Edu Expo / World MBA Guide, The Next Dimension Advertising (HK) Ltd., January 29, 2005.
  • “為何香港能成為國際資產管理中心及財務策劃師在香港及中國的發展”, The FChFP (特許財務策劃師) Course Opening Ceremony, FChFP, Guangzhou, January 22, 2005.


  • “Corporate Governance and Leadership”, Hong Kong Productivity Council, November 27, 2004.
  • “從財務觀點看如何完善中小企業公司管治”, Seminar of 如何完善中小企業公司管治研討會 — 公司管治水平對管理效益的影響, Institute for Enterprise Development and Management Research (formerly Business Research Centre), School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University, September 18 & 20, 2004.
  • “The Role of Financial Planning”, Chartered Financial Practitioners Programme, Asia Pacific Financial Services Association, Guangzhou, August 31, 2004.
  • “Private Enterprises in China: Challenges and Prospects”, Private Economy News, Shenzhen, August 28, 2004.
  • “Best Practice in Corporate Governance and Disclosure”, CFO Talk, Hong Kong Productivity Council, July 10, 2004.
  • “Corporate Governance and Leadership”, Certificate Programme in 21st Century Leadership, Hong Kong Productivity Council, June 19, 2004.
  • “企業財務透明度和資料披露”, Economic Times College (Member of Hong Kong Economic Times Group), June 8, 2004.
  • “Corporate Governance and Board Leadership”, Hong Kong Productivity Council, June 5, 2004.
  • “Corporate Governance: Principles and prospects(企業管治的發展趨勢及原則)”, Certificate Programme in Financial Management, Economic Times College (Member of Hong Kong Economic Times Group), June 3, 2004.
  • “Mentoring and How to Become an Effective Mentor?”, Workshop for Mentors, Millennium Entrepreneurship Programme IV, Hong Kong Youth Institute, January 27, 2004.
  • “Corporate Governance: Some Socio-Political Implications”,Workshop on Corporate Governance, jointly organized by the Independent Commission Against Corruptions (ICAC) and the Faculty of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 10, 2004.


  • “Personal Financial Planning for Police Officers”, Hong Kong Police Force, May 30, 2003.


  • 香港教育行政學會第六屆「卓越教育行政人員獎勵計劃」終選評審團成員 (首席) ,2023。
  • Panel of Judges, Hong Kong News Awards 2023, The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, 2023.


  • Panel of Judges, Hong Kong News Awards 2022, The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, 2022.
  • Panel of Judges, Sing Tao Service Awards 2022, Sing Tao Newspaper Group Limited, December 2022.
  • Judging Panel, Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022.
  • 新城財經台「灣區企業可持續發展大獎2022」專業評審顧問團,2022。


  • Panel of Judges, Hong Kong News Awards 2021, The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, 2021.
  • Panel of Judges, CSR Recognition Scheme: Industry Cares 2021, Federation of Hong Kong Industries, 2021
  • Panel of Judges, The Employer of Choice Award 2021, Sing Tao News Corporation Limited, 2021


  • Panel of Judges, Sing Tao Service Awards 2020, Sing Tao Newspaper Group Limited, December 2020.
  • Panel of Judges, The Employer of Choice Award 2020, Sing Tao News Corporation Limited, November 2020.
  • Panel of Judges, Hong Kong News Awards 2020, The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, December 2020.
  • Chairman of Grand Judging Panel, Hong Kong ICT Awards 2020, March 2020.


  • Panel of Judges, Sing Tao Service Awards 2019, Sing Tao Newspaper Group Limited, December 2019.
  • Panel of Judges, The Employer of Choice Award 2019, Sing Tao News Corporation Limited, November 2019.
  • Panel of Judges for Hong Kong News Awards 2019, The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, November 2019.
  • Chairman of Panel of Judge, The 6th Youth Dream Practitioner Election, Youth DreamMakers Association, 2019.
  • 世界粵菜廚皇協會「『味之星』品評計劃」評委,2019。
  • Served as Moderator of the SHARP Forum (Theme: Unraveling Supply Chain Complexity in the Greater Bay Area – Challenges and Opportunities in Embracing Digital Transformation) organized by College of Business, City University of Hong Kong, March 28, 2019.
  • Panel of Judges, The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2019, organized by Hong Kong New Emerging Technology Education Association, March 2019.
  • 粵港澳大灣區經貿協會「粵港澳大灣區百強企業傳承大奬」及「粵港澳大灣區優秀企業家傳承大獎」評選委員會委員,2019年1月。


  • Panel of Judges, Sing Tao Service Awards 2018, Sing Tao Newspaper Group Limited, December 2018.
  • Chairperson of Panel of Judge, Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019: Smart Business Award, November 2018.
  • Panel of Advisors, The Employer of Choice Award 2018, Sing Tao News Corporation Limited, October 2018.
  • 香港報業公會「2018年香港最佳新聞獎」評審委員,2018。
  • Panel of Judges, Sing Tao Service Awards 2018, Sing Tao Newspaper Group Limited, December 2018.
  • Chairperson of Panel of Judge, Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019: Smart Business Award, November 2018.
  • Panel of Advisors, The Employer of Choice Award 2018, Sing Tao News Corporation Limited, October 2018.
  • 香港報業公會「2018年香港最佳新聞獎」評審委員,2018。


Servsed as the Advisor, The Employer of Choice Award 2017, Sing Tao News
Corporation Limited, September 2017 – February 2018.
Served as the Judge Panel, the 5 th FHKI CSR Awards 第五屆「工業獻愛心」, The Hong Kong Federation of Hong Kong Industry, September 8, 2017.
Served as Moderator of the Conference on Business Ethics for Listed Companies
2017 (Theme: Corporate Governance : Compliance and Beyond), Hong Kong
Business Ethics Development Centre, Independent Commission Against Corruption,
September 1, 2017.
  • 2011
    Served as Chair of Judge Panel, China Fortune Social Venture Prize, organized by the China Fortune Foundation Limited and UIC, 2011.
  • 2010
    Served as the Moderator of Panel Session (Topic : Ethics, Credit Crunch, Macao: How are these related?), The 3rd World Business Ethics Forum (Theme: ACE – Accountability, Credibility, & Ethicality), organised by Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, October 27-28, 2010.
    Served on the Panel of Adjudicators, The 2010 Hong Kong Management Association Best Annual Reports Awards.
  • 2009
    Served as Honorable Judge, Corporate Analysis Competition, organized by 881903.com Skull and Bonus and HKUST, 2009.
    Served as Judge of the CEO of the Year 2008-09 organized by Junior Achievement Hong Kong, 2009.
  • 2008
    Served as Honorable Judging Panel of the Hong Kong’s Leading Entrepreneurial Programme organized by the Junior Achievement Hong Kong, December 13, 2008.
    Served as Panel Moderator of a Panel Session (Topic: The Practical Value of Business Ethics) of The 2nd World Business Ethics Forum (Theme: Rethinking the Value of Business Ethics), organized by School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University, December 11, 2008.
    Served as Member of the Organizing Committee, The 2nd World Business Ethics Forum (Theme: Rethinking the Value of Business Ethics), organized by School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University, December 11-12, 2008.
    Served as Moderator of Forum on China’s 30 Years of Reforms: The Way Forward and Hong Kong’s Role, co-organized by World Trade Centers Association, Hong Kong and School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University, December 10, 2008.
    Served as Panel Judge for Hong Kong Corporate Governance Excellence Awards 2008, co-organized by The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies and the Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy, School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University, December 3, 2008.
    Served as Panel Judge of ACCA Hong Kong Awards for Sustainability Reporting: Rewarding Transparency 2008, organized by ACCA Hong Kong, November 26, 2008.
    Served as Session Chairman of 2008 Annual Conference “Succeeding in a World-Class City”, organized by The Hong Kong Management Association, November 4, 2008.
    Served as Panel Judge for the 6th Annual Hong Kong financial Planner of the Year Award, organized by Society of Registered Financial Planners, October 25, 2008.
    Served as Chairperson of the Validation Panel of BBA Programme, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, Macau, June 25, 2008.
    Served as Moderator of Hong Kong Corporate Governance Excellence Awards Forum (Theme: Corporate Governance: Success and Challenges. Panel topic: “Sharing with the Hong Kong Corporate Governance Excellence Awards 2007 Winners”) held on 4 June 08. The Forum was jointly organized by The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies and Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy.
    Served as Internal Panel Member of Institutional Review and Programme Validation of Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA), Hang Seng School of Commerce, June 4, 2008.
    Served as Panel Judge for The CEO of The Year Award, organized by the Junior Achievement Hong Kong, April 26, 2008.
  • 2007
    Served as Member of Award Judging Panel for the Hong Kong Corporate Governance Excellence Awards 2007, co-organized by Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy, School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University and The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies, December 4, 2007.
    Served as Moderator for the Brilliance of Civilization Public Lecture: Good Governance: Paternalism vs. Individual Conscience, organized by the Hong Kong Baptist University, November 8, 2007.
    Served as Panel Judge for the 5th Annual Hong Kong Financial Planner of the Year Award, organized by the Society of Registered Financial Planners (HKRFP), November 3, 2007.
    Served as Panel Judge for the ACCA Hong Kong Awards for Sustainability Reporting 2007,organized by the ACCA Hong Kong,October 12, 2007.
    Served as Panelist for Panel Session (Topic: The Nutcracker: Dealing with Ethical Issues in China Business), Hong Kong Corporate Counsel Association Annual Conference 2007, September 20, 2007.
    Served as Panel Judge for The Best Financial Planner Award 2007, organized by The Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong Ltd, August 29, 2007.
    Served as Panel Moderator for Panel Session (Topic: Role of Professional Executives in Family Business), The 2nd Asia-Pacific Corporate Governance Conference, August 23-24, 2007.
    Served as Chairman of Organizing Committee and Review & Programme Committee, The 2nd Asia-Pacific Corporate Governance Conference (Theme: Governance & Performance of Family Business), co-organized by Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy, School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University and Protiviti, August 23-24, 2007.
    Served as Panelist for Panel Discussion, AoN Global Director’s Series, July 5, 2007.
    Served as Panel Judge for The 20th Hong Kong Special Administration Region Outstanding Students Selection 2007, organized by Yuen Long Junior Chamber, June 30, 2007.
    Served as Panel Chairman for two Panel Sessions (Topic 1: Regulation and Governance Regimes are Designed to Protect Shareholders. What Opportunities Do They Provide Executives to Deliver Benefits for Their Businesses and Add Value for Stakeholders? (From Regulators’ Perspectives), and Topic 2: Is Your Business Strategy Robust Enough to Cope With the Regulatory Pressures of The Future? (From Senior Management’s Perspectives) ), The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Hong Kong Annual Conference 2007, organized by ACCA, Hong Kong, June 23, 2007.
    Served as Panel Judge for HSBC Living Business Awards 07, organized by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, June 22, 2007.
    Served as Convener for Corporate Governance Forum (Theme: Financial System Reform in the Mainland: Challenges, Achievements and Impacts), organized by The School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University, June 6, 2007.
    Served as Chairman of Organizing Committee, and Moderator for Panel Session (Topic: The Need for and Challenges of Regulatory Enforcement), Symposium on Cross-Border Listing in Hong Kong: Corporate Governance and Regulation Issues, co-organized by Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy, School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University and Moon Valley Foundation, May 9, 2007.
  • 2006
    Served as Convener for Corporate Governance Forum (Theme: Corporate Governance in Non-Government/Not-for-Profit Organizations), organized by MSc in Corporate Governance and Directorship Programme and Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy, December 6, 2006.
    Served as Panel Moderator for Panel Session (Topic: Private, Public & Academic Partnerships in Promoting Business Ethics), World Business Ethics Forum Theme: Does East Meet West? Hong Kong and Macau, November 1-3, 2006.
    Served as Panel Judge for the Hong Kong Financial Planner of the Year Award organized by Society of Registered Financial Planners, October 26, 2006.
    Served as Panel Reviewer for the Corporate Governance Working Paper Competition, The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries, October 13-14, 2006.
    Served as Plenary Chairman for Plenary Discussion (Topic: What’s Hot in the Market?), The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Hong Kong Annual Conference 2006, May 6, 2006.
    Served as Panel Judge for the Business Paper Contest jointly organized by ATV and Hong Kong Baptist University, May, 2006.
    Served as Panel Judge for the ACCA Hong Kong Awards for Sustainability Reporting 2005, March, 2006.
  • 2005
    Served as Moderator for Panel Session (Bank Controls and Compliance, including Anti-Money Laundering and Fraud Prevention), Symposium on Bank Governance and Risk Management, December 19, 2005.
    Served as Chairman of the Experience Sharing Session (Topic: Assessing Risks of Doing Business in the Mainland from the Veteran’s Point of View), ACCA Annual Conference 2005, April 2, 2005.
    Served as Adjudicator for the Strategic Studies Competition of the Strategic Skills Development Programme 2005,organized by the Lions Club of Metropolitan Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Baptist University, February 23, 2005.
    Served as Mentor of Dr. Maria Andrea Santiago, De La Salle University, the Philippines, under the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, January to April 2006.
  • 2004
    Served as Moderator for Panel Session (Topic: Asset Management and Private Banking), Forum on Hong Kong as an International Asset Management Centre: Challenges and Opportunities, December 9, 2004.
    Served as Chairman of the Plenary Session (Topic How Corporate Governance Adds Value?), ACCA Centenary Conference – Accountants Reloaded, March 20, 2004.
  • Transformational Leadership Programme, (commissioned by General Insurance Agency Ltd.), 2008.
  • A Survey of Hong Kong Individuals’ Perceptions & Practice of Financial Planning and Risk Management (commissioned by the Life Underwriter Association of Hong Kong), 2008.
  • The Hong Kong Corporate Governance excellence Awards (jointly with The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies), 2007 – 2008.
  • Enhancing Corporate Governance & CSR of Listed Companies: A Survey (jointly with The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies), 2007.
  • The Hong Kong Corporate Governance Charter (jointly with The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies), 2007.
  • Global Institutional Investors’ Perception of Corporate Governance in China (jointly with CPA Australia), 2007.
  • Level and Determinants of Social Harmony in Hong Kong (jointly with Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association), 2006 & 2008.
  • The Recognition of the Financial Planning Industry in Hong Kong (commissioned by the Hong Kong Society of Registered Financial Planners) 2005 – 2007.
  • A Code of Best Practice Guidebook for Independent Financial Advisors (jointly with Independent Financial Advisors Association), 2007-08.
  • University Social Responsibility (jointly with Fortis Group), 2008.
  • Risk Perception and Risk Management Practices of C-level Executives in Local Financial Institutions (jointly with AsiaRisk), 2008.
  • Risk Barometer Survey (commissioned by Protiviti), 2007 & 08.
  • An Alternative Non-contributory Public Medical Insurance Scheme for Hong Kong (supported by the Hong Kong Medical Financing Scheme Forum), 2008.
  • A Study of Cleaning and Security Outsourcing Practices of Companies in Hong Kong from a CSR Perspective (jointly with Oxfam Hong Kong), 2008.
  • A Study of Retail Stock Investor Behavior (commissioned by Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission), 2005.

Department Services

  • School Director
  • Executive Committee (Chairman)
  • Undergraduate Curriculum and Course Planning Committee (Chairman)
  • Research and Staff Development Committee
  • Management Committee of CU Accounting Link (Founder)
  • Programme Director, Post-graduate Diploma in Professional Accountancy, Asia-Pacific Institute of Business
  • Director, Centre for Accounting Disclosure and Corporate Governance

Faculty Services

  • Executive Committee
  • Teacher Selection Committee
  • APIB Management Board
  • Executive Development Program Committee
  • Committee on Undergraduate Studies in Business (CUSB)
  • Committee on Graduate Studies (CGS)

College Services

  • College Cabinet
  • Big Scholarship Sub-Committee (former Chairman)
  • Assembly of Fellows

University Services

  • Working Group on Library Collections
  • Senate
  • Advisory Board on Accounting Studies
  • Minor Staff Housing Committee
  • Staff-Student Consultation Committee

School Services

  • Dean, School of Business
  • Chairman, School Executive Committee
  • Chairman, Business School Board
  • Director, Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy
  • Chairman, Strategic Development Fund for Entrepreneurship and Business Venturing Task Group
  • Member, Student-Staff Consultative Committee, RPg
  • Member, Student-Staff Consultative Committee, Undergraduate
  • Member, Task Force for AACSB Accreditation & Quality Audit Exercise
  • Member, World Business Ethics Forum Organizing Committee

University Services

  • Chairman, Scholarship Committee (2006 – 2007)
  • Convenor, Task Force on Undergraduate Admissions Strategies
  • Fellow, David C. Lam Institute for East-West (LEWI).
  • Member, Academic Development Committee
  • Member, Council
  • Member, Council of the Beijing Normal University – Hong Kong Baptist University, United International College
  • Member, Court
  • Member, Deans’ Briefing
  • Member, Finance Committee
  • Member, Honorary University Fellowship Committee (HUFC)
  • Member, Research Committee
  • Member, Research Institute of Contemporary China Studies (RICCS) Management Board
  • Member, Review Panel for the Institutional Review of United International College (UIC)
  • Member, School of Chinese Medicine Advisory Committee
  • Member, Senate
  • Member, Senior Executive Committee
  • Member, Space Allocation Committee
  • Member, Space Management Consultation Group
  • Member, Staff Affairs Committee (07-08)
  • Member, Strategic Development Fund Allocation Sub-committee
  • Member, University Appointment Review
  • Member, University Promotion Exercise for Academic Staff
  • Member, PMC, Master of Public Administration
  • Member, University Council
  • Member, Council Honorary Degrees and Titles Committee
  • Vice-Chair, Senate
  • Chair, Senate Academic Quality Assurance Committee
  • Chair, Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning Enhancement
  • Chair, Senate General Education Committee
  • Chair, Faculty Academic Staff Selection Committee (FBA, FSH & FED)
  • Chair, Faculty-Level Academic Staff Promotion Panel (FBA, FSH & FED)
  • Member, University-Level Academic Staff Promotion Committee
  • Member, Faculty of Business Administration Academic Council
  • Chair, Advisory Committee on Future Studies and Career Planning
  • Member, Senate General Affairs Committee
  • Member, Senate Graduate Studies Committee
  • Member, Finance Management Committee
  • Member, University Affairs Coordination Committee
  • Member, UMDF Investment Management Team
  • Convenor, Working Group on Residential College System
  • Member, New Campus Project Steering Committee
  • Chair, New Campus Project Community Liaison Committee
  • Leader, New Campus Project User Requirements Task Force Workgroup on Faculties and Learning Facilities
  • Chair, Task Force on Optimizing the Faculty Recruitment Process
  • Chair, Task Force on Optimizing the Course Enrolment System
  • Member, Advisory Committee on Publication Plan of Portuguese Legal Classics

Academic /Editorial

  • Academic Adviser of Social Enterprise Summit 2020 –
  • 孔教學院高級顧問,2018 –
  • 香港文滙報「未來之星同學會」顧問, 2015 –
  • 香港學者協會「香江學者計劃」學術委員會委員, 2015 –
  • 和富社會企業「和富領袖網絡」名譽顧問, 2015 –
  • Board Member, Global Chinese Real Estate Congress, 2012-2015.
  • 香港信報<<信報通識>>編務顧問團榮譽顧問 (Honorary Advisor, HKEJ General Education Scheme, Hong Kong Economic Journal), 2012 –
  • Senior Research Associate, Centre for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia, 2012 –
  • Member, Editorial Board, Advances in Business Ethics Research (A Journal of Business Ethics Book Services), Springer, 2010 –
  • Member, School of Chinese Medicine Advisory Committee, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2004 – 2013
  • Associate Editor, Asian Journal of Business Ethics, Springer, 2010 –
  • Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2009 –
  • 南開大學公司治理研究中心 《公司治理評論》 編委會委員
  • 山東大學管理學院 《公司治理研究文叢》 學術委員,2008 –
  • Editorial Board, The Asian Forum on Business Education (AFBE) Journal, 2008 –
  • Editorial Advisor, Accounting Education: An International Journal, 2008 –
  • Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Accounting & Organisational Change (JAOC), 2005 –
  • Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Meditari, 2005 –
  • Member of Editorial Board, Guidebook to China Securities Market Investment, 2004 –
  • Member, Advisory Editorial Board, International Journal of Disclosure and Governance
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Governance, International Centre for Corporate Governance, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada, 2002 –
  • Consulting Editor, Communications in Finance and Accounting, 1996 –
  • 中國高等教育學會理事,2007-
  • Panel Member, Chinese Social Science Research Network, 2005 –
  • Member, Business Studies & Economics Panel in the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2006, University Grant Committee, HKSAR Government, 2005 –
  • Member, Advisory Board for Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies, Lingnan University, 2005 –
  • Board Member and Research Fellow, Aviation Policy Research Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003 –
  • Honorary Professor of Henan University, PRC, 2001 –
  • Member, Advisory Committee, International Centre for Corporate Governance, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada, 2002 –
  • Member, Academic Committee, Association of International Accountants (Hong Kong Branch), 2002 –
  • External Assessor, Research Grant Council, Hong Kong, 1997 –
  • External Advisor, The Chinese Accounting Professors Association (CAPA), 1996 –
  • Program Advisor, Certificate in Professional Accountancy (BeckerConviser US CPA Review), School of Continuing Studies, CUHK, 1996 –
  • Council Member, Hong Kong Academic Accounting Association, 1996 –
  • External Course Assessor, Open University, 1999 –
  • Member, Advisory Committee of Asia-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, 2000
  • Member, Pearson Education Asia Panel of Reviewers, 1998 –
  • Member, Advisory Committee of San-Yao Accounting Research Fund of Dongbei University of Finance & Economic Publishing House, 1996 –
  • Member, Advisory Board of the Asian Academic Accounting Association, 1998 –
  • Member of Nomination Committee, Asia Academic Accounting Association, 1998 –
  • Foreign Advisor, Japanese Institute of International Accounting, 2000 –
  • Member, Advisory Committee, Hong Kong School of Commerce, Hong Kong, 2004 –


  • 香港文學舘顧問,2024 –
  • Advisor of Beijing – Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre 2023 –
  • 新界青年聯會「第十屆執行委員會學術顧問」,2023。
  • Advisor of Beijing – Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre 2023 –
  • Advisor of Hong Kong International Biotechnology Exhibition (BIOHK2022), 2022
  • 香港作家聯會「香港現代文學館」籌委會顧問,2022 –
  • 「大灣區創新科技國際合作論壇」組委會榮譽首席顧問,2021 –
  • Advisor of the 9th Global Conference of the Alliance For Healthy Cities, The China Hong Kong Chapter, 2021
  • 香港海外學人聯合會顧問,2021 –
  • 中國中學生作文大賽(香港賽區)名譽顧問,2021-
  • 香港大公文匯傳媒集團「感動香江年度評選」顧問,2021 –
  • 香港專業及資深行政人員協會榮譽顧問,2018 –
  • 港股100強研究中心顧問,2018 –
  • 香港中小型企業總商會榮譽顧問,2017。
  • Advisor,  Dashun Policy Research Centre, 2015 –
  • Board Member, The Hong Kong-ASEAN Economic Cooperation Foundation (HKECF), 2015-
  • Advisor, Brand Conscience Award 2013, Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM), 2013 –
  • Honorary Academic Advisor, Hong Kong Sustainable Development Research Institute (HKSDRI), 2013 –
  • Honorary Advisor, The Computer Ethics Society, 2012 –
  • Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Institute of Marketing, 2012 – 2014
  • Member, Membership Committee, Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute, 2011 – 2012
  • Member, E-Committee, Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute, 2011 – 2012
  • 新紀元精英會/新紀元行政管理精英培訓計劃顧問, 2010 –
  • Board Member, Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute, 2010 – 2012
  • Member, Working Group 1, Global Forum for Responsible Management Education (PRME), United National Global Compart, New York, USA, 2008 –
  • Honorary Member in the Strategic Committee, ESAFON/ASAFON, 2008 –
  • 中國企業培訓師慈善基金名譽顧問, 2008 –
  • Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC), 2008 –
  • Member, Investor Education Advisory Committee (IEAC), Securities and Futures Commission, HKSAR Government, 2007 –
  • Member, Advisory Group on Directors and Officers Related Provisions (AG3), Company Registry, HKSAR Government, 2006 –
  • Advisor, AIA Quest for Champion Competition, Association of International Accountants (HK Branch), 2006 –
  • Member, Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, HKSAR Government, 2005 –
  • Member, Deposit Protection Appeals Tribunal, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, HKSAR Government, 2004 –
  • Member, Advisory Committee on Human Resources Development in the Financial Services Sector, Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services), HKSAR Government, 2004 – 2008
  • Chairman, Hong Kong Corporate Governance Council, 2003 –
  • Advisory Board Member, Society of Registered Financial Planners Ltd., 2005
  • Member, Academic Advisory Panel, The Hong Kong Institute of Company Secretaries, 2005 –
  • Vice-President, The International Association for Accounting Education & Research (IAAER), 1998 –
  • Member, Advisory Board of Hong Kong Inter-Tertiary Accountancy Association, 1996 –
  • Senior Advisor, Shenzhen GTI Technologies Co. Ltd., 2001 –
  • Member, Advisory Committee, Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association, 2003 –
  • Honorary Advisor and Strategic Advisory Board Member of IT Accountants Association (ITAA), Hong Kong, 2004-

Community and Others

  • 大灣區醫護教師社工協會「第一屆大灣區醫護教師社工協會」名譽會長,2023。
  • Honorary Advisor, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business, 2023 –
  • 香港青年協進會榮譽會長,2022-2024
  • 中西區文化藝術協會「青年文化大使計劃」榮譽顧問,2022-2024
  • 博愛醫院名譽顧問,2022-
  • 青年新世界「逆流100 – 師友計劃」顧問,2022 –
  • Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations and Member of the Advisory Committee on Corruption, Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption, 2022 –  
  • Chairman of the Training Committee and Member of the Executive Committee of the Scout Association of Hong Kong, 2021 –
  • 新界青年聯會「新界區傑出學生選舉2021」名譽顧問,2021 –
  • 九龍地域傑出學生聯會名譽顧問,2021-2023
  • 屯門商會名譽會長,2018 –
  • Honorary Advisor of Hok Yau Club 2020 – 
  • Honorary Advisor for Outstanding Student Leaders Award 2020 – , Hok Yau Club.
  • Honorary Advisor for Navigator Scheme 2020, Hok Yau Club.
  • Honorary Advisory Committee Member of Hong Kong Federation of Invention and Innovation, 2020 –
  • 香港傑出學生協進會第五屆理事會榮譽顧問,2019 –
  • Honorary Advisor and Honorary Patron of HKSAR Outstanding Students’ Union, 2019 –
  • 西貢及將軍澳中學校長會顧問,2019 –
  • 香港教師會名譽會長,2019 –
  • 學友社「明日領航者計劃2019」名譽顧問,2019。
  • Honorary Patron of Jr. Space Camp Program 2019.
  • Advisor, Our Hong Kong Foundation, 2018 –
  • 香港大公文滙傳媒集團「范長江行動同學會」榮譽顧問,2018 –
  • 「創新香港 – 國際人才嘉年華2019」組委會顧問,2018 –
  • 香港青年大專學生協會顧問,2018 –
  • 香港青雋學生聯盟「香港青雋大使 – 傑出學生暑期培訓計劃2017」榮譽顧問 ,2017。
  • 香港新一代文化協會「香港大學生創新及創業計劃」顧問,2016 –
  • 香港電台普通話台『2014大專普通話辯論賽』顧問
  • 中國河南省海外聯誼會五屆理事會理事
  • 中國國情研習促進會資深顧問, 2010 –
  • Board Director, Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC), 2012 –
  • 第四屆世界華人不動產學會年會聯席主席 (Co-chair, The 4th Annual Conference of the Global Chinese Real Estate Congress), 2012
  • 中國 (澳門) 高校青年學生聯合會榮譽顧問,2012 –
  • 中國 (澳門) 高校青年學生聯合會,2012 –
  • 「勵志青年創業基金比賽」地區顧問 (Regional Advisor, China Fortune Social Venture Prize),2011 –
  • 中印富強基金會榮譽顧問 (Honorary Advisor, China India Fortune Foundation Limited),2011 –
  • 澳門失智症協會榮譽顧問 (Honorary Advisor, Macau Alzheimer’s Disease Association), 2010 –
  • 中國河南省政協委員 (Member, Chinese Political Consultative Committee, Henan Province), 2008 –
  • 中國河南海外聯誼會理事,2008 –
  • Advisor, “Revitalizing Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme” by Oxfam Hong Kong, 2007-
  • 「西九新動力」專業顧問,2008 –
  • Honorary President, NT Region Outstanding Students Association, 2000 –
  • Member, Advisory Board, Book Festival Co. Ltd., 2002 –
  • Council Member, Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute, 2009 – 2010.
  • Member, Advisory Board (Accounting) of Caritas Francis Hsu College, 1998 – 2008.
  • Member, Board of Review (Inland Revenue), Office of the Clerk to the Board of Review, HKSAR Government, 2001 – 2007.
  • Advisor and Member of Organizing Committee, Millennium Entrepreneurship Programme, Hong Kong Youth Institute, 2001 – 2007.
  • Member, The Accountancy Training Board of the Vocational Training Council, HKSAR Government, 1999 – 2007.
  • Member, Subject Committee, Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, Hong Kong Examination Authority, 1999 – 2006.
  • Member, Editorial Board of Accounting Education: An International Journal, 1999 – 2007.
  • Chairperson, The Organizing Committee of the 2002 IAAER World Congress of Accounting Educators, 1997 – 2003.
  • Guest Editor, Management Accounting Research Special Issues on Management Accounting in Transitional Economics, 2001 – 2003.
  • Founder and Executive Committee Member, the Dragon League (an academic alliance among accounting departments of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Peking University, Fudan University and National Taiwan University), 1987 – 2003.
  • Advisor, Business Ethics Teaching Package for University Teachers, Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), 1995.
  • Member, Steering Committee on Professional Accreditation, Hong Kong Society of Accountants, 1996 – 1998.
  • Co-Chairman, Organizing Committee of the Symposium on Corporate Governance and Disclosure, School of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999.
  • Founding President, Hong Kong Academic Accounting Association, 1996 – 1998.
  • Member of Public Education Committee of Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), HKSAR Government, 1995 – 2000.
  • Editor-in-Chief of the Hong Kong Journal of Business Management, 1994 – 1997.
  • Member of the Examination Board, Hong Kong Society of Accountants, 1994 – 1997.
  • Research Programme Director of the Database Special Interest Group of Hong Kong Computer Society, 1983 – 1986.
  • Member, the Commonwealth Scholarship Committee, 1991 – 1997.
  • Director of Diploma in Accounting for Managers, CUHK, 1992 – 1996.
  • Advisor, The Certificate Programme in China Accounting, Finance, Taxation and Law, CUHK, 1997 – 2000.
  • Consulting Editor, Special Zone Finance and Accounting, China, 1997 – 2003.
  • Member, Judge Panel, Outstanding Young Industrialists Awards 2002, The Federation of Hong Kong Industries, 2002 – 2003.