Living under the new normal of COVID-19, it is time to equip ourselves through learning from others’ experiences of tackling various challenges! Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE) cordially invites you to join A Dialogue with Social Entrepreneurs – Entrepreneurial Resilience under COVID-19. During this event, Mr Dodo Cheng, the Founder of Sharing Kitchen HK (香港「共廚家作」) and the two HSUHK Social Entrepreneurs will share their social enterprise start-up experiences and insights about how social entrepreneurs continue nurturing their business under the shadow of COVID-19.
Details of the event are as follows:
Topic: A Dialogue with Social Entrepreneurs – Entrepreneurial Resilience under COVID-19 (疫情下的鬥志)
Date: 24 October 2020 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 noon
Channel: Zoom (The meeting link will be provided to the registered guests later.)
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English
1.5 ECA hours / 1 iGPS unit will be granted to the participating students.
This event is also open to the public. Please register HERE.
Information about the Social Entrepreneurs:
Mr Dodo Cheng from Sharing Kitchen HK: With the support of The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund), Dodo, a registered social worker, founded the social enterprise “Sharing Kitchen HK” in April 2016. It created great responses through the innovative idea of sharing economy. In 2018, he secured a second grant from the SIE Fund to expand the business and built a 6000-square feet co-cooking space. In the second round of the SIE Fund, Sharing Kitchen has obtained the largest amount of grant so far for a 3-year period (Over HK$3.5 Million). Altogether, “Sharing Kitchen HK” has raised HK$8 million of impact investment.
Miss Vanessa Cheung from City’s Treasure: Vanessa is the Founder and CEO of a local social start-up, City’s Treasure. It aims to preserve the uniqueness of local small shops in HK by running an online search platform that solves the needs of potential buyers who want to patronize local small shops. Moreover, City’s Treasure also wants to promote human warmness and a strong sense of neighbourhood in local communities via online storytelling and offline local tours and other activities. Currently, she is a HSUHK Year 3 student majoring in Business Administration-Corporate Governance.
Mr Thomas Lam from Idea to Business: Thomas is the co-founder of Inclusive Impact and Idea to Business. Both start-ups position to offer training in the corporate and school markets. Thomas had started his entrepreneurial journey when he was studying high school, from the online retail industry to the training industry. Besides being an entrepreneur, he also works for a local corporation in developing innovative projects. Thomas is our fresh graduate with a major in Data Science and Business Intelligence.
Should you have any enquiries about this event, please feel free to contact us at cie@hsu.edu.hk or 3963 5608/7.
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