Theme | 數碼時代中文教學的轉型與挑戰 |
Date | 25 January 2024 (Thursday) |
Time | Registration : 1:30 pm |
Venue | D801 (Lee Ping Yuen Chamber), 8/F, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building |
Speakers | Award Recipient: Dr Fung Wai Sum, Cathy |
Abstract | 在數碼時代,科技的快速發展對中文教學帶來了不少衝擊。傳統中文教學多局限於單向講授,但現今的教學則強調學生的主動參與,自主學習,而如何激發學生的學習興趣和動力,往往是教師面對的一大難題。此外,數碼科技雖然為教學帶來了許多便利,但也帶來了不少問題。例如學生對於數碼科技的過分依賴、學生整體中文水平下降等。是次分享會將透過教師的實踐經驗,讓大家了解現時中文教學的發展與挑戰。 The rapid development of technology in the digital era, has brought an impact towards the teaching of Chinese. The traditional way of teaching Chinese has been limited to one-way. How to stimulate students’ learning interest and motivation is often a major problem faced by teachers. Furthermore, although digital technology has brought forth many conveniences to teaching, it has also brought on many problems. For example, students’ over-reliance on digital technologies and overall students’ Chinese proficiency declining etc. In this sharing, the speakers will share their practical experience to let the audience understand the current development and challenges of Chinese teaching. |
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