
2024-06-21綠源 P「恒」動 - 校長致辭
2024-06-01香港恒生大學人文社會科學學院「創意人文節」啟動禮 - 校長致辭
2024-05-31香港恒生大學反詐騙教育及研究計劃「防騙分享講座」 - 校長致辭
2024-05-28Welcome Remarks at the HSUHK Entrepreneurship Day 2024
2024-05-22香港恒生大學與香港工業總會合辦「竹子與可持續發展交流會」2024 - 校長致辭
2024-03-26Welcome Remarks at the Opening Ceremony of Asia-Pacific ASEAN Green Deal Centre (APAGDC)
2024-04-17香港恒生大學與稻苗基金會「餐飲業青年創業家比賽頒獎典禮」- 校長致辭
2024-02-22百佳超級市場與恒生大學市場學系合辦 "Idea Co-creation" Programme - 校長致辭
2024-05-16Opening Remarks at the International Conference on Food Culture in Asia 2024
2024-04-29Welcome Remarks at the 3rd Honours Academy Symposium
2024-04-27Welcome Remarks at the International Conference on Decision Science & Management (ICDSM2024)
2024-04-232023-2024年度奬學金頒奬典禮 - 校長致辭
2024-04-19香港恒生大學傑出員工獎頒獎禮2024 - 校長致辭
2024-04-18香港恒生大學第八屆商業新聞獎頒獎禮 - 校長致辭
2024-04-16Welcome Remarks at the HSUHK Joint-RCs High Table Dinner
2024-04-12Welcome Remarks at the Managing for Social Impact Conference
2024-03-21高瞻睿智—香港恒生大學榮譽博士講座系列︰「新世代在全球化經濟中的機遇和挑戰」- 校長致辭
2024-03-15Welcome Remarks at the Visionary Wisdom – HSUHK Honorary Doctorate Lecture Series: “Interest Rate Risk Management”
2024-03-14Welcome Remarks at the Fourth Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony
2024-02-27香港恒生大學就業博覽2024 - 校長致辭
2024-02-23Welcome Remarks at the Inauguration Ceremony of HSUHK Student Ambassadors 2023-2024
2024-01-13Semester 2 Message (2023-24) to the HSUHK Family
2023-08-31New Academic Year Message (2023-24) to the HSUHK Family
2022-12-23Season's Message (2022) to the HSUHK Family
2024-01-29Welcome Remarks at the HSUHK Long Service Award Ceremony (2023)
2023-12-06Welcome Remarks at the Honours Academy Inaugural Graduation Celebration
2023-12-06Address at the Graduation Ceremony 2023
2023-12-04Address at the Graduation Ceremony 2023
2023-10-20Welcome Remarks at the Honours Academy Fourth Cohort Inauguration Ceremony 2023-2024
2023-09-20跨院校元宇宙團隊協作學習平台啟動禮 校長致辭
2023-09-07Welcome Address at the Convocation for New Students 2023/24
2023-08-11稻苗基金會聯乘香港恒生大學「餐飲業青年創業家計劃」合作備忘錄簽署儀式 校長致辭
2023-07-08決策分析卓越獎頒獎典禮2023 校長致辭
2023-07-072023年元宇宙研討會 校長致辭
2023-06-06Welcome Remarks at the HSUHK Teaching and Learning Forum 2023 - Teaching Excellence: Transform to Perform
2023-05-042022-2023年度奬學金頒奬典禮 校長致辭
2023-05-04香港恒生大學中國語言及文化研習所 十周年慶典名人講座系列(一) 二十世紀備忘錄 校長致辭
2023-04-27香港恒生大學第七屆商業新聞獎頒獎禮 校長致辭
2023-04-25Welcome Remarks at the HSUHK Joint-RCs High Table Dinner
2023-03-29Opening Remarks at The Regional Co-operation on Culture and Heritage Roundtable Forum
2023-03-16Welcome Remarks at the Inaugural Public Lecture of the “Visionary Wisdom – HSUHK Honorary Doctorate Lecture Series"
2023-03-13Welcome Remarks at the Third Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony
2023-03-03Opening Remarks at the HSUHK Global Humanities Initiative - Public Lecture: “Phenomenology of Music” cum Inauguration of UNESCO Co-Chair on Global Asia
2023-01-12馮少雲集坊命名典禮 校長致辭
2022-12-13恒大傑出青年企業家頒獎典禮暨卓越企業家講座 校長致辭
2022-12-08Address at the Graduation Ceremony 2022
2022-12-07恒生大學傳播學院第三屆學生作品展 校長致辭
2022-11-16HKICT Awards 2022 Smart Business Award Presentation Ceremony
2022-11-15香港恒生大學粵港澳大灣區雙自貿區(南沙、前海)場地合作簽約儀式 校長致辭
2022-11-11香港恒生大學與中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會 香港運動員專上教育合作備忘錄簽署儀式 校長致辭
2022-11-03住宿書院聯合感謝暨命名典禮 校長致辭
2022-10-27何馮基金堂命名典禮 校長致辭
2022-10-27「香港復古遊戲展覽2022」序幕 校長致辭
2022-10-24Opening Remarks at the HSUHK Global Humanities Initiative “Daily Experience and Creation of the Human Environment” International Academic Workshop
2022-10-18Welcome Remarks at the Honours Academy Third Cohort Inauguration Ceremony 2022-2023
2022-09-09Welcome Remarks for the Art and Design Public Lecture Series 2022-23
2022-09-05New Academic Year Message (2022-23) to All Staff and Students
2022-08-22Welcome Remarks at the Second Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony
2022-07-04Opening Remarks at the Honours Academy Symposium
2022-06-25Opening Remarks at the HSUHK Global Humanities Initiative “Game and Gaming Across Cultures” International Conference
2022-06-08長期服務獎頒獎禮 (2020及2021年度) 校長致辭
2022-05-03Welcome Remarks at the Inauguration Ceremony of HSUHK Student Ambassadors 2021-2022
2022-04-28Opening Remarks at the HSUHK Global Humanities Initiative Colloquium “Games, Competition and Absorption: A Philosophical and Comparative Consideration”
2022-01-15區塊鏈推廣及賦能研討會-區塊鏈3.0 校長致辭
2021-12-21Season's Message (2021) to the HSUHK Family
2021-12-08Address at the Graduation Ceremony 2021
2021-11-25袁炳濤校園命名典禮 校長致辭
2021-11-20Welcome Remarks at The Values of Play International Conference 2021
2021-10-28Welcome Remarks at the HSUHK Global Humanities Initiative Colloquium “Shall we play? Cultural References for the Current Debate”
2021-09-23Welcome Remarks at the “Managing Oneself” Video Series Launching Ceremony cum Seminar
2021-09-01New Academic Year Message (2021-22) to All Staff and Students
2021-08-23Welcome Remarks at the First Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony
2021-05-31Welcome Remarks at the Greater Bay Area Cultural Heritage and Creative Innovative Conference
2021-05-28創業日2021 校長致辭
2021-05-25Welcome Address at the HSUHK Teaching and Learning Forum 2021
2021-03-272019 及 2020學院畢業典禮 校長致辭
2015-12-22Thank you and Season’s Message (2015) to All Colleagues and Students
2018-12-17Season’s Message (2018) to All Students
2020-12-27Season’s Message (2020) to the HSUHK Family
2020-08-27New Academic Year Message (2020-21) to All Staff and Students
2020-02-19校長家書 (19-2-2020)
2019-12-20Season’s Message (2019) to the HSUHK Family
2019-09-06粵港澳大灣區傑出文創產業頒獎典禮 校長致辭
2019-06-01Remarks at the Junior Chamber International Queensway 35th Anniversary Banquet
2019-08-28New Academic Year Message (2019-20) to All Staff and Students
2018-09-03New Academic Year Message (2018-19) to All Staff and Students
2019-06-01Welcome Remarks at the HSUHK Forum on Sustainability and Bamboo 2019: Architecture and Building Materials
2019-05-23Address at HSUHK Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony 2019
2019-04-15第三屆恒大商業新聞獎頒獎典禮 校長致辭
2019-03-15陳奕迅及DUO樂隊 L.O.V.E. in F.R.A.M.E.S. 紀綠片放映及交流會 校長致辭
2019-04-04Opening Remarks at the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019 (Smart Business Category) Award Presentation Ceremony
2019-04-03李兆基綜合大樓命名典禮 校長致辭
2019-03-01《書品同行》中國書法藝術展覽開幕禮 校長致辭
2019-03-162019 校慶日暨大學正名晚宴 校長致辭
2019-03-142019 獎學金頒獎典禮 校長致辭
2018-12-17Thank You and Season’s Message (2018) to All Colleagues
2018-11-23李秉源會議廳命名典禮 校長致辭
2018-12-05Address at the Graduation Ceremony 2018
2018-11-08香港恒生大學正名啟動禮 校長致辭
2018-11-01偉倫廣場命名典禮 校長致辭
2018-10-31香港恒生大學正名傳媒發佈會 校長致辭
2018-10-11《南鄉舊夢》張孝友書畫展開幕禮 校長致辭
2018-10-09Welcome Remarks at the Joint High Table Dinner of HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges
2018-09-06Welcome Address at the Convocation for New Students 2018-19
2018-06-11Welcome Remarks at the 27th World Business Congress
2017-09-01New Academic Year Message (2017-18) to All Staff and Students​
2017-12-22Thank you and Season's Message​ (2017) to All Colleagues and Students
2017-05-22恒生管理學院第一屆榮譽院士頒授典禮 校長致辭
2016-12-012016 畢業典禮 校長致辭
2014-03-17博雅專業 教學育人
2017-11-15​​201​7​ 畢業典禮 校長致辭​
2014-03-28Welcome Remarks at the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the HSMC Jockey Club Student Residence Halls
2014-08-29Welcome Message from the President
2014-12-122014 畢業典禮 校長致辭
2015-01-062014 恒生管理學院君子企業調查頒獎典禮 校長致辭
2015-03-162015校慶日晚宴 校長致辭
2015-05-04利國偉教學大樓命名典禮 校長致辭
2015-07-19Welcome Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Symposium on Sustainability and Bamboo
2015-07-19Remarks at the Dinner of the Symposium on Sustainability and Bamboo
2015-07-21Welcome Speech at the Forum on Sustainable Development in Higher Education
2015-09-01Welcome Address at the Convocation for New Students 2015-16
2015-10-09Welcome Remarks at the Naming Ceremony of Alice Lam Lecture Theatre
2015-10-14文藝在恒管 - 動物心境 香港當代藝術五人展 開幕典禮 校長歡迎辭
2015-10-28Welcome Remarks at the Inaugural High Table Dinner of HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges and Old Hall
2015-12-032015 畢業典禮 校長致辭
2016-01-12林大輝鐘樓命名典禮 校長致辭
2016-03-08Welcome Remarks at the HSMC Careers Fair 2016
2016-03-16Welcome Remarks at the HSMC Founders Day 2016
2016-09-01Welcome Address at the Convocation for New Students 2016-17
2016-09-02New Academic Year Message (2016-17) to All Staff and Students
2016-10-20恒生管理學院 – 基金成立典禮暨籌款晚宴校長致辭
2016-12-23Thank you and Season's Message (2016) to All Staff
2016-12-23Season's Message (2016) to All Students
2017-03-112017 獎學金頒獎典禮 校長致辭
2017-03-162017 校慶日酒會 校長致辭
2017-04-20恒生管理學院賽馬會住宿書院 – 康活書院高桌晚宴 校長致辭
2017-09-01Welcome Address at the Convocation for New Students 2017/18