
Effective 26 August 2024


ChairmanDr. Poon Sun-cheong Patrick (潘燊昌博士)
Vice-ChairmenDr. The Hon. Cheng Mo-chi Moses (鄭慕智博士)
Mrs. Wong Lam Sze-wan Patricia (黃林詩韻女士)
MembersMr. Cheng Kam-por (鄭錦波先生)
Mr. Ching Wing-hong Thomas (程永康先生)
Dr. Chui Chuen-shun Alex (徐傳順博士)
Ms. Fung Siu-wan Stella (馮少雲女士)
Mr. Leung Ka-keung Kenneth (梁家強先生)
Mr. Eugene Liu (廖於勤先生)
Dr. Ng Wang-pun Dennis (吳宏斌博士)
Mr. Yew Yat-on Andric (姚逸安先生)
Dr. Yip Kit-chuen (葉傑全博士)
Professor Ho Shun-man Simon (何順文教授)
Professor YV Hui (許溢宏教授)
Honorary Members*Mr. Fung Siu-to Clement (馮兆滔先生)
Dr. Lam Lee George (林家禮博士)
Dr. Lam Tai-fai (林大輝博士)
Secretary Ms. Chan Man-wai Elisa (陳雯慧女士)

Terms of Reference

The Fundraising and Donation Committee shall be subject to the terms of reference as follows:

  1. To formulate fundraising strategies for the University and to advise on fundraising plans, campaigns and activities;
  2. To solicit donations from individuals, charitable trusts and organisations;
  3. To consider policy guidelines and procedures on the solicitation and use of donations as well as the appropriate form of recognition for the donors;
  4. To report to the HSUHK Board of Governors on donation matters; and
  5. To co-opt additional members to the Committee as necessary.

* Honorary Members are not required to attend regular meetings and they have no voting rights.