由供應鏈管理學系舉辦的第一屆國際供應鏈管理研討會 (The First International Conference on “Supply Chain Sustainability” )已於2014年1月11-12日於本學院成功舉行。是次研討會,我們很榮幸能夠邀請了來自不同院校、機構及供應鏈相關之協會一同出席及參與,如李有仁教授、趙先德教授及王朝輝教授為研討會之首席講者; 另外,來自供應鏈相關協會各同業友好如: 香港物資採購與供銷學會、供應鏈保安協會、珠三角採購供應專業協會、香港運輸物流學會及香港物流協會都在今次的研討會分享他們在業界之心得。僅此向所有出席之嘉賓及參加者致意。
Welcome dinner on 10 January 2014
Welcome dinner
Welcoming guests at reception panel
Prof. Eldon Li was answering audience’s questions. Prof. Xiande Zhao in the back.
Keynote speech by Prof. Xiande Zhao
1st Industry Panel: Mr. Gordon Lam (Li & Fung), Mr. Alex Koo (AOC), Mr. Stephen Chan (Power Hub), Prof. Waiman Cheung (CUHK), Mr. Toshiaki
Dr. Stephen Ng, Prof. Eldon Li, Prof. Xiande Zhao. 1st Industry Panel participants: Mr. Alex Koo, Mr. Toshiaki Yu Takahashi, Mr. Gordon Lam, Prof. T.S. Lee, Mr. Stephen Chan, Prof. Waiman Cheung, Dr. Collin Wong, Dr. Karolina Glowacka
1st day lunch. Prof. Xiande Zhao and Dr. Stephen Ng
1st day lunch
1st day lunch
1st day lunch
Prof. Eldon Li and Mr. Gordon Lam
Keynote speech by Prof. Zhaohui Wang
Dr. Stephen Ng introducing the 2nd Industry Panel participants: Mr. Timothy Lam (IPSHK), Mr. Jimmy Pang (SCSA), Mr. Daniel Chan (ISM-PRD), Prof. Jeff Yeung (CUHK), Mr. Mark Millar (CILTHK), Mr. Simon Chan (HKLA)
Keynote speech by Prof. Xiande Zhao
Prof. Zhaohui Wang’s keynote speech
Prof. Zhaohui Wang and Prof. T.S. Lee
Representatives from Pukyong National University in Korea with the conference chairs and Prof. T.S. Lee
2nd Industry Panel participants: Mr. Timothy Lam (IPSHK), Mr. Jimmy Pang (SCSA), Mr. Daniel Chan (ISM-PRD), Prof. Jeff Yeung (CUHK), Mr. Mark Millar (CILTHK), Mr. Simon Chan (HKLA)
2nd Industry Panel participants: Timothy Lam (IPSHK), Jimmy Pang (SCSA), Daniel Chan (ISM-PRD), Prof. Jeff Yeung (CUHK), Mark Miller
2nd Industry Panel
Prof. Eldon Li and Prof. T.S. Lee
Prof. Xiande Zhao and Prof. T.S. Lee
Prof. T.S. Lee and Mr. Timothy Lam with HSMC President, Prof. Simon Ho
Prof. T.S. Lee and Mr. Jimmy Pang with HSMC President, Prof. Simon Ho
Prof. T.S. Lee and Mr. Daniel Chan with HSMC President, Prof. Simon Ho
Prof. T.S. Lee and Prof. Jeff Yeung with HSMC President, Prof. Simon Ho
Prof. T.S. Lee, Mr. Mark Millar with HSMC President, Prof. Simon Ho
Prof. T.S. Lee and Mr. Simon Chan with HSMC President, Prof. Simon Ho
From the left: Conference chairs: Dr. Stephen Ng, Dr. Karolina Glowacka, and Dr. Collin Wong. Keynote speakers: Prof. Eldon Li and Prof. Xiande Zhao. Conference Advisor: Prof. T.S. Lee
Conference participants with Prof. Xiande Zhao
Conference participants
Conference participants
Gala dinner. Dr. Eugene Wong and Mr. Mark Millar
Gala dinner
Gala dinner
Gala dinner
Prof. Zhaohui Wang’s talk on sharing in academia
Conference participants listening to the talk by Prof. Zhaohui Wang