UN Resident Coordinator in China shares the way towards health and wellbeing

11 June 2024

The HSUHK’s S H Ho Wellness College and the Centre for Humanistic Buddhism invited Mr Siddharth Chatterjee, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in China, to give a seminar titled “Keep Breathing, Keep Smiling with Mr Siddharth Chatterjee: A UN Diplomat’s Approach to Ensure Good Health and Wellbeing. An approach based on Science”.

​Mr Chatterjee highlighted the importance of the interconnectedness between physical health and balancing the mind, body and spirit. He shared his personal journey of regaining his health through lifestyle and dietary changes, and worked on breathing techniques with the audience.

Mr Chatterjee shares breathing exercises and techniques for a healthy lifestyle.
Mr Chatterjee leads the participants in breathing exercises.
Professor Simon Ho, President of HSUHK (left), presents a souvenir to Mr Chatterjee.