Dr SIU Chi Chung (蕭志中博士)
B.A. (Berkeley)
Ph.D. (TMU)
Associate Head and Assistant Professor
Programme Director of BSc – AIN Programme
Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance
Tel : (852)3963 5456
Email :
Dr. Siu received his B.A. in Pure Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, M.Sc. in Financial Mathematics and Statistics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Ph.D. in Business Administration (specialization in Financial Engineering) at the Tokyo Metropolitan University. Prior to joining HSU, he was a postdoctoral research fellow in the University of Technology, Sydney, and a research fellow at the University of Wollongong.
AwardsResearch InterestsService and Professional ExperiencePublicationsResearch Grants |
TopAwards |
TopResearch Interests |
TopService and Professional Experience |
Reviewer for Journals: Quantitative Finance, Journal of Futures Market, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Stochastics, Automatica, Dynamic Games and Applications, Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, Stochastics, European Journal of Operational Research, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, ASTIN Bulletin, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization |
TopPublications |
Journal Articles
Conference Proceedings & Book Chapters
TopResearch Grants |