Over 270 HSUHK students receive Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund scholarships

25 April 2024

A total of 276 students from HSUHK received scholarships and awards from the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund this year. Among these recipients, recognition was given to 35 students with special educational needs in the pursuit of academic excellence and other areas through the Endeavour Scholarship, and 53 students who demonstrated outstanding achievement or talent in non-academic areas were awarded the Talent Development Scholarship. Five student representatives from HSUHK attended the Presentation Ceremony and received certificates on behalf of their fellow awardees.

Representatives of HSUHK awardees Anthea Chan (left), Wayne Tzu, Karen Tam, Stella Yap (2nd from right) and Cheung Cheuk-ho at the scholarship presentation ceremony.
Group photo of scholarship recipients and guests.