Dr Sayed Gouda (顧德博士)
BA (Egypt and China)
PhD (City University of Hong Kong)
Lecturer (Part-time)
School of Translation and Foreign Languages
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Sayed Gouda was born in Cairo and emigrated to Hong Kong in 1992 where he currently resides. He did his undergraduate studies in Egypt and China, majoring in Chinese, and received his Ph.D. in comparative literary studies from the City University of Hong Kong in 2014. His research interests include comparative poetics, comparative literature, comparative cultural studies, and prosody studies. Gouda is a published poet, novelist and translator. His works and translations have appeared in Arabic, English, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Macedonian, Uzbek, and Mongolian. He is the Editor-in-Chief of an e-journal called Nadwah for poetry in translation (www.arabicnadwah.com). From 2004 to 2010, he organised a monthly literary salon in Hong Kong. He has also participated in many international poetry festivals and academic conferences around the world. In 1990, Gouda won first prize in poetry from the Faculty of Languages (al-Alsun), Ain Shams University. In addition, in 2012, he was awarded the Enchanting Poet Award by The Enchanting Verses Literary Review, and, in 2014, an honorary prize for his poem ‘Night Train’ from Shijie huawen shibao 世界華文詩報 (Journal of Chinese World Poetry). Gouda has fifteen books in total. He currently teaches courses on Comparative Literature, Comparative Cultural Studies, and Translation. He is also a certified Wing Chun Kung Fu Master. He enjoys drawing and painting portraits.
- ‘The Rhythmic and Semantic Correlation in Li Bai’s Poetry: A Manifestation of His Poetic Genius’, 李白诗歌中韵律与语义的相关性——论李白诗才之表现. 华夏文化论坛·第二十四辑, China, December 2020 pp 305-313. - ‘Identity, Translation and Poetry’, 兩岸四地華詩高峰論壇 (Forum for Chinese poetry from Greater China). The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 5-7, 2018. - ‘Ibrahim Nagi: The Poet Who Heals Himself’, Lyrik und Medizin. Institut für Geschichte, Ulm University, Germany, March 20-22, 2018. - ‘Business Translation in a Context of Cross-Cultural Communication’, The Fourth International Symposium on Business Translation and Teaching Research. Jilin Huaqiao Foreign Languages University, China, December 30-31, 2017. - ‘Literary Form. History, and Culture of Aesthetic Modeling'. ‘Literary Form’ Cluster of Excellence, University of Münster, Münster, Germany, October 5-7, 2015. - ‘Traditional Forms in Chinese Free Verse’. The 9th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS). Adelaide, Australia, July 5-9, 2015. - ‘The Rhythmic and Semantic Correlation in Li Bai’s Poetry: A Manifestation of His Poetic Genius.’ The 8th Annual Conference of The Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong (ASAHK), “Transformations, Development and Culture in Asia: Multidisciplinary Perspectives”. The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, March 8-9, 2013. - ‘The Symbolism of Wine and Love in the Poetry of Abu Nuwas and Li Bai.’ The Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL). “International Conference on ‘Global Sinophobia’”. Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy (ICLP), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, December 17-19, 2012. - ‘Mahfouz and Darwish: From National to World Literature.’ Beijing University and Harvard University. “The Rise of World Literatures”. Beijing University, Beijing, China, June 30-July 3, 2011. |
A. Selected Articles:
<<Libai shige zhong young yuyide xiangguanxing: lun Libai shicai zhi biaoxian 李白詩歌中韵律與語義的相關性:論李白詩才之表現>> (The Rhythmic and Semantic Correlation in Li Bai’s Poetry: A Manifestation of His Poetic Genius). In Huaxia wenhua luntan 《華夏文化論壇》(Chinese Forum) 41, (Dec. 2020).
‘Nagi: The Poet Who Healed Himself’. In Florian Steger (ed.),
Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin, Volume X. Heidelberg: Winter University Press, 2018. 57-79.
<<Xiandai Alabo shige jingguan 现代阿拉伯诗歌景观>> (A landscape of modern modern Arabic poetry). In Zihua 字花 (Fleures des Lettres) 41, (Jan-Feb.2013). 116-119.
<<Aduonisi zai Xianggang 阿多尼斯在香港>> (Adonis in Hong Kong). In Chengshi wenyi 城市文艺 (HK Literature Quarterly) 62, vol. 7, No. 6 (Dec. 2012). 48-53.
<<Aduonisi de shige yishu 阿多尼斯的诗歌艺术>> (Poetics in Adonis poetry). In Chengshi wenyi 城市文艺 (HK Literature Quarterly) 57, Vol. 7, No. 1
(Feb. 2012). 90.
<<Alabo shige xingshi de jianyao lishi gaishu 阿拉伯诗歌形式的简要历史概述>> (A brief historical overview of form in Arabic poetry). In Shengyun shikan 声韵诗刊 (Sound and Rhyme), vol. 2 (2011). 65-66.
<<Paerma <Fengzi yi saoba> 帕尔玛《疯子与扫把》的形式与节奏>> (Form and rhythm in Palmer’s ‘Madman with Broom’). In Chengshi wenyi 城市文艺 (HK Literature Quarterly) 54, vol. 6, no. 2 (July 2011). 91-93.
B. Creative Writing:
i. Fiction:
Poetry Recitals at Shijiang International Poetry Festival. September 2017. Hebei, China. Poetry Recitals at Yunhe International Poetry Festival. June 2017. Hangzhou, China. Poetry Recitals at Hunan International Poetry Festival. July 2016. Hunan, China. Poetry Recital at Kunstvoll on 29 May 2015, Münster, Germany. Poetry Recitals at Mid-Autumn Poetry Festival. September 2014. Beijing and Anhui, China. Poetry Recitals at Jiang Yang Arts Festival. July 2014. Guangzhou, China. Poetry Recitals at International Hong Kong Literature Festival. June 2014. Hong Kong. Poetry Recitals at the World Chinese Poetry Journal. May 2014. Shenzhen, China. Poetry Recitals at Qinghai International Poetry Festival. August 2013. Qinghai, China. Poetry Recitals at Qinghai International Poetry Festival. August 2011. Qinghai, China. Poetry Recitals at Struga Poetry Nights. August 2009. Struga, Macedonia. Poetry Recitals at 2nd Cairo International Poetry Festival. February 2009. Cairo, Egypt. Poetry Recitals at The Man Hong Kong International Literary Festival. March 2008. Hong Kong. Poetry Recitals at Qinghai International Poetry Festival. August 2007. Qinghai, China. Poetry Recitals at 1st Cairo International Poetry Festival. March 2007. Cairo, Egypt. Poetry Recitals at The Man Hong Kong International Literary Festival. March 2006. Hong Kong. |