‘Live Chat with Youth’ forum series: Sports and Beyond

To raise the awareness of social issues among young people and the general public, thus identifying new ways forward for our city, the HSUHK will organise the ‘Live Chat with Youth’ forum series, in which renowned members of various sectors in society will be brought together to exchange views on hot topics and to explore possibilities of future development.

With the Winter Olympic Games taking place in Beijing right now, we are pleased to have invited government officials and sports celebrities to share their views on sports at the first forum of this series. Details are as follows:


Theme:  Sports and Beyond (體育不只是運動)

Date:  17 February 2022 (Thur)

Time:  2:00p.m.-3:30p.m.

Format:  Live Broadcast (forum link will be sent to you upon successful registration)

Language:  Cantonese

Moderator:  Prof CHIU Ying-chun, Ronald, Associate Dean of the School of Communication, HSUHK

Guest Speakers (in alphabetical order):

• Ms DOO Hoi-kem, Member of the Hong Kong National Table Tennis Team and medal winner in Tokyo Olympics

• Mr KWOK Ho-ting, Marco, Former Member of the Hong Kong Cycling Team and Alumnus of HSUHK

• Mr YEUNG Tak-keung, JP, Commissioner for Sports, Home Affairs Bureau

• Mr YUE Kwok-leung, Tony, BBS, MH, JP, Chairman of the Hong Kong Table Tennis Association   


Please click here for Google form registration on or before 15 February 2022 (Tue). 

Should you have any questions, please contact us by email at lcwyouth@hsu.edu.hk.

'Live Chat with Youth' Forum Series: Sports and Beyond