Facing rapidly changing global political and economic situations, as well as challenges in the post-epidemic business environment, HSUHK collaborates with Yazhou Zhoukan (YZZK) to launch the ‘Business Wisdom and Strategies: Asian and Chinese Perspectives Online Certificate Programme Series’, inviting experts and scholars from respective areas to deliver in-depth analyses on the latest trends and to help business operators seize opportunities for a new career turn.
Led by the Centre for Greater China Studies (CGCS) and the Communications and Public Affairs Office (CPAO), the programme is divided into three modules, namely Chinese Management Wisdom (Strategic Management), Opportunities in China (Political Strategy), and Enterprises in Greater Bay Area (Industrial Wealth). The first module was launched online on 19, 20 and 26 September 2020 respectively with renowned sinologist, Dr John Yuen, as the key speaker. He applied the thinking of military management in The Art of War by Sun Tzu to modern business decision making, integrating Sun Tzu’s strategies and wisdom with modern management theories. Participants greatly benefited.
The second and the third modules will be launched in late September and October, with the themes ‘China’s New Strategies, New Policies and New Opportunities’ and ‘China’s New Technologies, New Industries and New Wealth’ respectively. Priority to join the on-site ‘President x Chief Editor Forum’, to be held the afternoon of 31 October 2020, for free will be given to those who have enrolled in any module or the entire certificate programme. The theme of the Forum is ‘Reflections on Capitalism and Corporate Responsibilities amid the Pandemic’. Interested HSUHK members and supporters can also enrol to attend the Forum on-site and online for free.
For programme and enrolment enquiries, please contact the Yazhou Zhoukan team. Hotline: (852) 2515 5836/(852) 2515 5851; Email: yzad@mingpao.com/mcyung@mingpao.com. For attending the Forum, please contact CPAO at (852) 3963 5401 or via cpao@hsu.edu.hk.
Apply Now: https://bit.ly/hsuhk_yzzk2020
Programme Information: https://youtu.be/qHISZ5ciYTo
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