4 December 2019
Since 2014, the Research Grant Council (RGC) has launched the Competitive Research Funding Schemes, including three funding schemes, namely the Institutional Development Scheme (IDS), the Inter-Institutional Development Scheme (IIDS) and the Faculty Development Scheme (FDS), to develop the research capacity of both the institutions and that of the faculty members, and to provide fundings for research activities performed in the local self-financing degree sector.
To facilitate staff’s application, the University Research Committee (URC) and the Staff Development Committee (SDC) jointly organised an experience sharing session entitled “Experience Sharing Session on Writing a Successful RGC Research Grant Proposal” on 4 Dec.
In the sharing seminar, Prof Y V Hui, Vice-President (Academic and Research), introduced the scheme details and submission timeline. Prof Tam Kwok Kan, Chair Professor and Dean of School of Humanities and Social Science; Dr Fanny Chan, Associate Professor of Department of Marketing; and the awardees of IDS and FDS Proposals, were invited to share their experience and tips with participants. They then had a panel discussion with participants and provided a lot of constructive suggestions to them.
The seminar was well attended with over 25 staff members from different departments and schools. Participants found the sharing session content informative and useful.
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