Selected competitive research grants (in Principal Investigator capacity)
- Choy, C. H. Y. (PI), Hui, C. K. D. (Co-I), Chan, C. H. R. (Co-I). (2024-2025). Arts for well-being: The impact of arts engagement on parental stress and mental well-being. Faculty Development Scheme (FDS), Research Grants Council (RGC). (Principal Investigator, HK$518,966; 18 months) [UGC/FDS14/H08/23].
- Choy, C. H. Y. (PI), Hui, C. K. D. (Co-I), Yang, Y. H. R. (Co-I). (2022-2024). Art at home: The impact of new media and online cultural production on home-based arts engagement. Faculty Development Scheme (FDS), Research Grants Council (RGC). (Principal Investigator, HKD$755,126; 30 months) [UGC/FDS14/H09/21]
- Choy, C. H. Y. (PI and Budget Holder), Cheung, P. S., Li, C. K. J. and Mok, K. W. P. (2022-2023). From Retro to the Metaverse Games: Imagining Asia and Creative Industries from the Past, the Present, to the Future. Strategic Development Grant (SDG) 2022/23. (Principal Investigator and Budget Holder, HKD$197,000)
- Choy, C.H.Y. (PI), Cui, D., Wu, F., Xu, D. (2021-2023). Living the fantasy on Xiaohongshu: Embodied spatial practices of urban lifestyles, US$15,000, project funded by International Association of Cultural and Creative Industry Research, Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry (ICCI), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Principal Investigator).
- Choy, C. H. Y. (PI) (2019-2021). A comparative study of peer-to-peer business practices in the co-creation of creative products on social shopping platforms: Lessons from Etsy and Pinkoi in Hong Kong, Taiwan, United States and United Kingdom. University Research Start-up Fund, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. (Principal Investigator, HKD$10,000)
- Choy, C.H.Y. (PI), & Wong, N.C (2018-2019). Networked public emotion and social affiliation in an administrative crisis: An interdisciplinary study on how social media users discuss Trump’s zero tolerance policy, project funded by Interdisciplinary Research Seed Fund, Faculty of Social Sciences, CUHK (Principal Investigator)
- Choy, C.H.Y. (PI), & Chan, C.H.R (2017-2018). In Search of Safety and Peace during Terrorist Attacks: Network Approach to On-offline Communication and Social Support, project funded by Sustainable Development Goals Fund, Centre for Global Health, CUHK (Principal Investigator).
Selected competitive research grants (in Co-Investigator capacity)
- Establishment of GILT Research Centre (Globalisation, Internationalisation, Localisation and Translation). Institutional Development Scheme Research Infrastructure Grant (IDS(R)). Research Grants Council (RGC). HSUHK. (Team Leader: Siu, S. C.) (2024-2026). (Choy, C. H. Y., Team Member, HK$4,042,131; 36 months) [UGC/IDS(R) 14/23]
- Yang, Y. H. R., Choy, C. H. Y. (Co-I), Chung, P. (Co-I), Hui, C. K. D. (Co-I), (2024-2025). Future museum: Review of immersive technology applications and curatorial strategy for exhibitions and art education in museum. Faculty Development Scheme (FDS), Research Grants Council (RGC). (Co-Investigator, HK$445,725; 18 months) [UGC/FDS14/H09/23].
- Mok, K. W. P. and Choy, C. H. Y. (Co-I). (2024). Art of Lanterns Paper Crafting: an ICH programme” Sin Wai Kin Chinese Culture Promotion Scheme, HSUHK. [A054-SWK-23/24-P13]
Selected book and book chapters
- Choy, C. H. Y. (Forthcoming, 2025). Beyond the Console: Video Game Fandom in Participatory Culture. In Transcultural Media Fandom in the Asia Pacific. In Hu, T. and Wu, F. (Co-ed). Bloomsbury Book Series Asian Celebrity and Fandom Series.
- Choy, C. H. Y. And Ho, S. Y. K. (Forthcoming, 2025). Digital Fandom. In Encyclopedia of Political Communication. In Nai, A., Grömping, M, & Wirz, D. (Co-ed). Massachusetts, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing
- Hui, C. K. D. and Choy, C. H. Y. (Co-Eds.) (Forthcoming, 2025). Handbook of Digital and Online Arts Marketing (commissioned by Walter de Gruyter of Berlin, Germany).
- Choy, C. H. Y. (2023). An interdisciplinary spectacle in video game preservation and education: Retro.HK Gaming Expo 2022 at HSUHK. In Conceptual practice – Research and pedagogy in art, design, and creative Industries (Vol.1).: Pistoia, Italy: Nives Edizioni.
- Choy, C. H. Y. (2023). Here comes the Big Waster. In Conceptual practice – Research and pedagogy in art, design, and creative Industries (Vol.1).: Pistoia, Italy: Nives Edizioni.
Selected peer-reviewed journal articles
- Song, Y., Lin, Q., Kwon, K. H., Choy, C. H. Y., & Xu, R. (2022). Contagion of offensive speech online: An interactional analysis of political swearing. Computers in Human behavior, 127 (C). DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2021.107046 [SSCI]
- Choy, C. H. Y. & Huang, Y. H. C. (2021). Reimaging a glocal framework: The search for academic legitimacy in Chinese public relations discipline from 1985 to 2018. Asian Journal of Communication. DOI: 10.1080/01292986.2021.1961284 [SSCI]
- Huang, Y. H. C., Lu, Y., Choy, C. H. Y., Kao, L., & Chang Y. (2020). How responsiveness works in mainland China: Effects on institutional trust and political participation. Public Relations Review, 46(1). DOI: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2019.101855 [SSCI]
- Huang, Y. H. C., Lu, Y., Kao, L., Choy, C. H. Y., & Chang Y. (2020). Mainframes and Mandarins: The impact of internet use on institutional trust in East Asia. Telecommunications Policy, 44(2). DOI: [SSCI]
- Choy, C. H. Y. (2018). Online political public relations as a place-based relational practice: A cultural discourse perspective. Public Relations Review, 44(5), 752-761. DOI:10.1016/j.pubrev.2018.05.006. [SSCI]
- Choy, C. H. Y. (2018). Review of public relations and participatory culture: Fandom, social media and community engagement by Amber L. Hutchins and Natalie T. J. Tindall (Eds.). Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 95(1), 320-322. DOI: 10.1177/1077699018758747 [SSCI]
- Choy, C. H. Y., & Wu, F. (2018). Comparative case study: When brands handle online confrontations. International Journal of Conflict Management, 29(5), 640-658. DOI: 10.1108/IJCMA-10-2017-0120. [SSCI]
- Wu, F., & Choy, C. H. Y*. (2018). Frames and framing effects in Chinese online and offline crisis communication: A case study of a celebrity scandal. Chinese Journal of Communication, 11(3), 324-343. DOI: 10.1080/17544750.2018.1473265 [SSCI] [*Corresponding author]
- Choy, C. H. Y. (2018). Smartphone apps as cosituated closets: A lesbian app, public/private spaces, mobile intimacy, and collapsing contexts. Mobile Media & Communication, 6(1), 88-107. DOI: 10.1177/2050157917727803. [SSCI]
- Jiang, J., Huang, Y. H., Wu, F., Choy, H. Y., & Lin, D. (2015). At the crossroads of inclusion and distance: Organizational crisis communication during celebrity endorsement crises in China. Public Relations Review, 41(1), 50-63. DOI: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2014.11.003. [SSCI]
- Choy, C. H. Y. (July, 2024). The Impacts of new media, artificial intelligence, and mixed reality on online arts production, presented at the Urban Future and Cultural Pasts Conference, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, July 15-17 2024.
- Choy, C. H. Y. (June, 2024). A Mixed-method Study: Theorizing the Impacts of Arts Engagement on Parental Stress and Mental Well-being, presented at the City University of London, United Kingdom, 26-28 June, 2024.
- Choy, C. H. Y. (June, 2024). Cultural production for home-based arts engagement: Understanding the power and resistance of creative practitioners in a (post) pandemic era presented at the 74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia, 20-24 June, 2024.
- Choy, C. H. Y. (May, 2024), "Digital Culinary Tourism: How Instagram and Openrice Food Blogs Represent Hong Kong's 'Cha Caan Teng' Food", International Conference on Food Culture in Asia, Global Humanities Initiative, HSUHK
- Choy, C. H. Y. (August, 2023). Home-based arts engagement in the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Hong Kong digital audiences. Paper presented at the CIPSH International Conference 2023, Tokyo at Roundtable D. Art and Creativity: Humanities in the global and digital age, Tokyo, Japan. August 21-24, 2023.
- Choy, C. H. Y. (August, 2023). A cultural discourse perspective: Communicating art for cultural inclusion among South Asian and Chinese primary school children in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Washington, D. C., USA, August 7-10.
- Choy, C. H. Y. (2022). Co-creation of original handcraft brands: A study of social shopping platform Pinkoi in Hong Kong and Singapore markets. Paper presented at the International Conference on Global Cultural and Creative Industries, Shanghai (Virtual), China. December 4, 2022.
- Choy, C. H. Y. and Yip, C. H. P. (2022). Algorithmic culture in digital fandom: Data fan practices and fragmented fan community in the Chinese pop music idol industry. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual ICA Conference, Paris, France. May 26-30, 2022.
- Choy, C. H. Y. (2022). Discussant of "Games, competition and absorption: A philosophical and comparative consideration". Presented at the HSUHK Global Humanities Initiative Colloquium,
co-hosted by HSUHK Global Humanities Initiative, The International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences, Asian New Humanities Network and Tencent Social Research Center, April 28, 2022, Hong Kong.
- Choy, C. H. Y. (2021). Discussant of "Shall we play? Cultural reference for the current debate". Presented at the HSUHK Global Humanities Initiative Colloquium, co-hosted by HSUHK Global Humanities Initiative, The International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences, Asian New Humanities Network and Tencent Social Research Center, October 28, 2021, Hong Kong.
- Choy, C. H. Y. (2021). At the intersection of play, mobile games and intangible cultural heritage: A study of mahjong mobile games. Paper presented at the Greater Bay Area Cultural Heritage and Creative Innovation Conference 2021 (Hybrid), Hong Kong, May 31-June 1, 2021.
- Song, Y., Choy, C. H. Y., Lin, Q., & Xu, R. (2020). A dual system theory approach: What shapes pro- and anti- social behavior in an online discussion forum? Paper presented at the 103rd Annual Conference of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2020 (Virtual), United States of America, 2020.
- Song, Y., Lin, Q., Choy, C. H. Y., & Xu, R. (2020). The mechanisms of profanity diffusion in online discussion. Paper presented at the 70th Annual ICA Conference, Open Communication, Gold Coast, Australia (Virtual), 21-25 May 2020. [This paper was awarded the Top Faculty Paper Award by the Mass Communication Division]
- Choy, C. H. Y. (2019). Crossing the cultural boundary: A comparative study of the glocalized production, distribution, and reception of Hollywood movies in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 69th International Communication Association Annual Conference 2019, Washington D.C., United States of America, May 24-28, 2019.
- Choy, C. H. Y. (2019). Networked public emotion and social affiliation in times of administrative crises: How social media users relate and discuss Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy. Paper presented at the 69th International Communication Association Annual Conference 2019, Washington D.C., United States of America, 2019. [This paper was awarded the Top Poster Award by the Communication & Technology Division, International Communication Association]
- Choy, C. H. Y., & Huang, Y. H. C. (2018). Crises of academic legitimacy in Chinese public relations discipline from 1985 to 2016. Paper presented at the 68th International Communication Association Annual Conference 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.