MPhil (CUHK)
Senior Lecturer
Associate Programme Director of BA-ACC Programme
School of Communication
Tel : (852) 3963 5540
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Dr Chan is a PhD in communication. She holds an MA in Journalism and completed MPhil in 2013. Before teaching at HSMC, Dr Chan was a part-time lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and journalist in TV broadcasting industry. She has worked for three broadcasting news stations in Hong Kong: Television Broadcasts Limited, Asia Television Broadcasts Limited, and Phoenix TV. Her duties included 24 hours news reporting, financial programme anchoring, international news, and health programme hosting. She took part in some major news events, for example NPC Opening Meeting, Hu-Lien Talks, WTO conference in Hong Kong and Land Auctions. Dr Chan is an author who writes the Chinese book "Famous Hong Kong Enterprises", published in 2003. In addition, she has conducted exclusive interviews with senior managements from international institutions.
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