21 January 2021
The College Assembly – HSUHK Liberal Agora in January was held online through live broadcast on 21 January 2021 with the theme ‘My Main Stage – Music Production Pilot Programme Tertiary Institutes Sharing’. The response was overwhelming, with more than 800 students and staff attending the College Assembly.
Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development) encouraged students in the beginning of the Assembly and shared updates of the HSUHK. Experienced Music Producer Mr Tsang-hei Chiu, the guest speaker, then shared about the changes in the local music industry in the last 30 years. Programme participants and musicians including Mr Mark Tai, Mr Monkey, Mr Tin and Ms Yanny Leung also showcased their own music pieces, in which Yanny is a HSUHK graduate.
Students were actively engaged in the interaction and Q&A sessions. Mr Tsang-Hei Chiu and all musicians answered students’ enquiries about the music industry and music production and encouraged students to pursue their dreams.
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