16 March 2018 HSMC organised the President’s Forum cum Founders’ Day Ceremony and Reception to celebrate its eighth anniversary on 16 March 2018. The President’s…
3 February 2018 The “Along with the President” hiking and kite-flying was held on the chilly morning of 3 Feb 2018 (Sat) which recorded only…
23 June 2017 Celebrating HSMC students’ accomplishment of winning the championships of two competitions, ie, the CTA Tax Debate Competition 2017 organised by the Taxation…
18 March 2017 The “Along with the President” first-time night hike was held on 17 March 2017. President Simon S M Ho and Mrs Ho,…
馬時亨:努力不懈迎接新挑戰 創新思維帶來突破 本集「校長與領袖同『恒』」邀請候任港鐵主席馬時亨教授,他曾任財經事務及庫務局局長,以及商務及經濟發展局局長。馬教授表示成功的領袖必須以身作則,維持良好的人際關係,重視團隊精神。他勉勵年青人不要以追求物質為目標,應放眼世界、創新思維,樂觀面對困難,努力回饋社會。 集數 : 第四十九集 播出日期 : 2015-10-31 嘉賓 : 馬時亨教授 職銜 : 候任港鐵主席、前財經事務及庫務局局長、前商務及經濟發展局局長 節目重溫 : 第一節 第二節 第三節 第四節 專欄 : 馬時亨:努力不懈迎接新挑戰 創新思維帶來突破 , [純文字版] , 星島日報