On 11 October 2022, HSUHK received Ms Alenka Suhadolnik, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Slovenia to the People’s Republic of China, and…
13 September 2022At the beginning of the new academic year, Arts@HSUHK brought afternoon live music concerts to students and staff members on campus. The music…
22 July 2022Arts@HSUHK launched the Play-Reading Programme in 2021/22, encouraging students to enhance their communication skills and expressive power through play-reading, while being inspired by…
Arts@HSUHK Afternoon Concerts #feelthepulseNOWDate : 2022. 09 .13 (Wed)Time : 12:45 – 13:45 (1st Performance) 14:45 – 15:45 (2nd…
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) started the new academic year today (5 September 2022). There are more than 6,000 students, including 1,700…
Dear students of The Hang Seng University,As Semester 1 (2022-23) starts, the President would like to express his warmest welcome to all of you.Please click…
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) is profoundly saddened by the passing of Dr Vincent Cheng Hoi-chuen, and extends its deepest condolences to…
(Chinese version only)各位同學 / 同事:文藝在恒大「演讀劇場計劃2021/22」,經過校內甄選及培訓,學員將於7月22日 (星期五) 晚上7:30 為大家呈獻紀錄劇場《同志少年虐殺事件》(粵語演讀版) 。8位來自不同學系不同年級的同學,憑著對戲劇的熱忱,在導演胡海輝的指導下,一起研讀和挑選劇本,經過三個月的培訓和綵排,已預備好了為大家帶來他們精心錬造的劇場! 歡迎恒大師生蒞臨欣賞,費用全免。《同志少年虐殺事件》– 紀錄劇場典堂級劇目 1998年,美國中部小鎮Laramie發生一宗轟動全美國的新聞,21歲大學生Matthew Shepard被虐打至遍體鱗傷後,被綁在牧場圍欄遺棄荒野,最終送院搶救不治。編劇Moisés Kaufman帶領劇團成員前往該地,親身走到鎮上做了200多次訪問,千錘百鍊後製作成一齣當代紀錄劇場經典。既沒有濫情暴力,卻同樣震撼人心,轟動美國劇壇,榮獲多個戲劇獎項包括:美國圖書館同性/雙性/跨性別獎、同志反污蔑聯盟媒體獎、Lucille Lortel及戲劇桌獎之提名。(文字取用【一條褲製作】2015年同劇的文案)文藝在恒大「演讀劇場計劃2021/22」 顧問 : 方梓勳教授 導演及翻譯: 胡海輝先生文藝在恒大首次推出「演讀劇場計劃」,鼓勵同學通過演讀戲劇,提升溝通和表達技巧,同時欣賞戲劇文學和學習劇場表演,以啟發思考及發揮個人潛能。由於第五波疫情,計劃延至今年4月正式展開,經甄選而最後能參與培訓及演出的學員都特別珍惜這次機會,全力以赴,期待帶來牽動人心的精彩演出。查詢 : 3963 5003 / arts@hsu.edu.hk 文藝在恒大 謹啟
25 June 2022 The international conference on ‘Games and Gaming Across Cultures’, hosted by the Jinghengyi School of Education and the CIPSH Chair Collaborative Office of…