16 November 2022The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) announced the establishment of its first “Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Centre” in Qianhai,…
11 November 2022The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) and Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC) signed a Memorandum of…
3 November 2022Thanks to the generous donation of HK$50 million respectively from Wei Lun Foundation, The S. H. Ho Foundation and Fung Yiu King Charitable…
(Chinese version only)立法會議員及港九勞工社團聯會(勞聯)主席林振昇先生於2022年11月3日到訪傳播學院,隨行嘉賓包括勞聯副主席陳萬聯應先生、副主席譚志聰先生、培訓總監黃思瀚先生、會務總監李卓燊先生及林議員的議辦主任張瑩瑩女士與傳訊經理張月琪女士。傳播學院院長曹虹教授、副院長趙應春教授及副教授張志宇博士熱烈歡迎眾人。雙方在簡介各自的業務及發展路向後,隨即就多項議題交換意見,討論的事項包括學生的實習機會、自資院校面對的多種挑戰、本科課程取錄內地生的學額限制、院校及大專學生於大灣區的發展機會、拓展職業導向教育及推行應用學習學位課程的可能性等等,雙方均期望日後能在有關範疇開展合作計劃。一眾嘉賓隨後參觀傳播學院的設施,對學院用心提高課程質素及提供與時並進的教學環境予以肯定。 傳播學院院長曹虹教授、副院長趙應春教授及副教授張志宇博士向嘉賓介紹學院的特色。 林振昇議員、勞聯代表及其他同行嘉賓與傳播學院代表積極交流。 林振昇議員分享他對多項議題的看法。 曹虹教授(左)致送紀念品予林振昇議員。 眾人參觀傳播學院培訓設施。 雙方大合照留念。 (從左至右)勞聯培訓總監黃思瀚先生、勞聯傳訊經理張月琪女士、勞聯會務總監李卓燊先生、勞聯副主席陳萬聯應先生、傳播學院副院長趙應春教授、立法會議員及勞聯主席林振昇先生、傳播學院院長曹虹教授、勞聯副主席譚志聰先生、林議員議辦主任張瑩瑩女士及傳播學院副教授張志宇博士。
3 November 2022Thanks to the generous donation of HK$50 million respectively from Wei Lun Foundation, The S. H. Ho Foundation and Fung Yiu King Charitable…
City Rumbles and DanceFeel the pulse of the city! In this nine-episode dance performance, whether the stories of this city are told as realistic, absurd…
Students from the School of Communication (SCOM) of HSUHK took home the Tertiary Team Championship in the Hong Kong Creative PR Competition (HKCPRC), among the…
Date: 19 November 2022 (Saturday)Time: 9:30 am – 5:00 pmLocation: The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin)Website: https://infoday.hsu.edu.hk/Should…
To express our warmest welcome to the parents of our newly admitted students, the Student Affairs Office organised the President’s Reception for Parents on 22…
27 October 2022In appreciation of the generous donation from Ho & Fung Charitable Foundation Limited to support the construction of New Academic Building at West…