5 March 2014 HKTV Career Talk plus On-site Interview Co-organized with the Hang Seng Management College School of Communication, the Hong Kong Television Network Limited…
4 February 2016 Shatin Arts and Cultural Promotion Briefing Session TheSchool of Communication, Hang Seng Management College joined hands with ShatinArts & Culture Promotion Committee…
22 February 2014 2014 BJC Advisory Committee and External Examiners Meeting 2014 BJC Advisory Committee and External Examiners Meeting was held on 22nd February 2014.…
20 February 2014 Seminar on How to Translate Effectively Speaker: Mr CHAN Siu On (Translation Manager) The translation manager organised a session introducing different styles…
20-02-2014Inauguration Ceremony for Twenty-Six HSMC Student Ambassadors 2013/14 “To Serve. To Learn” The HSMC Student Ambassadors Inauguration Ceremony 2013/14 was held on 20…
19 February 2014 BJC Talk Series 16: From Reporting to Being Reported: Changing Dynamics of Public Affairs over Thirty Years Ms.Catherine Choi, the Public Affairs…
二零一四年二月十八日 文藝復興與我何干:從波提切利的維納斯出發 維納斯,在希臘羅馬神話中代表了愛情、美麗、孕育和繁榮。一幅畫的誕生,揭開了歐洲文藝復興的開始,表現了當時為人所讚頌的成熟風格及人民精神價值。 波提切利(約1445年至1510年5月17日)是文藝復興前期的意大利畫家。他的畫作線條清晰透徹、乾脆俐落,足以構造出浪漫抒情而帶詩意的刻劃及脫俗的美感,而且歷久不衰。 他的作品雖以其宗教畫聖母系列見稱,但其古典神話創作更為著名,代表作為《春》(創作於1482年)以及《維納斯的誕生》(創作於1485年),在西方藝術中家傳戶曉,也開啟了歐洲文藝復興的大門。
18 February 2014 (Tuesday) HSMC held 2014 Media Spring Luncheon To express our New Year greetings and facilitate the communication with the media, Hang…
16 February 2014 Translation Culture in Hong Kong Talk Series: Translating Hong Kong (Co-organised by the School of Translation and Hong Kong Central Library) Speaker:…
10 February 2014 Department of Accountancy joined Oracle Academy Programme In late 2013, the Department of Accountancy joined the programme of Oracle Academy. According…