20140423The 2014 Joint Scholarship Presentation Ceremony for HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund and Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund The 2014 Joint Scholarship Presentation Ceremony for HKSAR…
HSMC has organized three sessions of College Assembly in the 2nd Semester of 2013/14, which were attended by over 1,200 students in total. Session 4…
16 April 2014 ICAC Talk In order to enhance the awareness of the anti-corruption, the School of Communication cooperated with Hong Kong Independent Commission Against…
15 April 2014 Mr Lam was invited to share his experiences in purchase and supply with students studying SCM4103 Purchase and Supply Management on 15…
20140415HSMC welcomes Ms. Sisi Yang from the ISIT-Paris, France Ms. Sisi Yang, Director of the Chinese Department of the Institut de Management et de…
9 April 2014 Apple Daily Visit Prof. Chan Chi Kit, Mr. Brian So, Ms. Sharon Chen and students from the Department of Journalism and Communication,…
9 April 2014 BJC Talk Series 17: My Life in Chinese Society Mr. Gill Mohindepaul Singh, known as Q Bo Bo and a Hong Kong…
6 April 2014 Translation Culture in Hong Kong Talk Series: Problems of language and culture in translating Hong Kong litigation documents(Co-organised by the School of…
3 April 2014 (Thursday) GE Colloquium Series No.3 (2013/14) Presentation Topic: “Seven Identities: On Construction of Chineseness among Long-settled Australian-born Chinese" Speaker: Dr. Lucille…
2014 – 1 April GE Salon Series No.3 (2013/14) –“電影放映及欣賞 —「打不倒的勇者」(“Invictus”) 通識教育系主辦的「通識沙龍」第3回,就以《電影欣賞: Invictus》為題,與同學分享這個叫曼德拉總統最叫人敬佩的一刻的故事… 時間是1995年,當年的南非已選出了黑人民權領袖曼德拉成立新一任總統。然而在那時,雖然種族隔離政策已經結束,但黑人與白人之間的鴻溝,仍然巨大。白人流行的,在黑人中間就被杯葛:欖球就是其中一個例子——每當南非欖球隊出賽,白人捧場,黑人就會特地捧對家,以求代表白人的南非隊落敗。 就在三十多年被世界體壇解禁的1995年,南非主辦了舉行世界盃橄欖球賽。南非總統曼德拉與國家橄欖球隊隊長法蘭索瓦•皮納爾同心協力,聯手凝聚國人向心力,讓剛擺脫種族隔離制度不久而面臨分裂的南非能夠團結一致。最後南非欖球隊奪得了冠軍。 在只有黑白,抗爭的時候,曼德拉總統,一位自己深受種族隔離政策傷害的人,卻能以和平、理性、非暴力,去原諒他理應要報復的白人群體,在原來無望的深仇大恨中,他走出了黑人與白人和解的道路。這個今日的社會,可有甚麼的啟迪?