21 March 2015 2015 BJC Programme Advisors and External Examiners Meeting 2015BJC Programme Advisors andExternal Examiners Meeting was held on 21 March 2015. ProfessorScarlet Tso,…
高永文:認清目標與工具,做事求無愧於心 今集「校長與領袖同『恒』」請來食物及衛生局局長高永文醫生。高醫生認為成功的社會領袖,應該在不同時刻運用不同的領導方式,自己則偏好與下屬及持份者溝通爭取共職。他又指出中國和西方國家有不同的思維方式,西方著重效益,中國則受儒家思想價值影響。高永文最敬重孫中山先生的無私奉獻,他表示人們考慮成為領袖時,應想清楚是這個時候需要自己做「英雄」,還是只是自己想做「英雄」。 集數 : 第十七集 播出日期 : 2015-03-21 嘉賓 : 高永文醫生 職銜 : 食物及衛生局局長 節目重溫 : 第一節 第二節 第三節 第四節 專欄 : 高永文:認清目標與工具,做事求無愧於心 , [純文字版] , 星島日報
19 March 2015 Workshop Series in Applied Statistics – Statistical Education The Department of Mathematicsand Statistics held the third day of the Workshop Series in…
19 March 2015 Mr Martin Tam’s Talk on HSMC Jockey Club Student Residence Halls at HKGBC HSMC wasinvited to the seminar of “Green Buildings in…
19 March 2015 EY’s Young Tax Professional of the Year 2015 6 ofour Accounting Year 4 students were shortlisted to join the EY’s taxcompetition semi-final…
16 March 2015 HSMC Founders’ Day Dinner – Raising the Legend to New Heights HangSeng Management College (HSMC) held its celebratory and thanksgiving Founders’Day Dinner…
15 March 2015 Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Gateways and Barriers Aconference on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Gateway and Barriers” funded bythe Research Grants Council was hosted by…
13 March 2015 JAZZ March 2nd Lunchtime Concert Featuring Laymen in Jazz The second Lunchtime Concert featuring thelocal Jazz group Laymen in Jazz tookplace on…
13 March 2015 Yong In University Visited HSMC On 13 March2015, President Sun-Kyoung Park of Yong In University (YIU), South Korea visitedHSMC with delegation members…