22 April 2015 Second Academic Salon Hosted by School of Communication The School ofCommunication held the second Academic Salon. Mr Edmond Chiang, the CEO of…
21 April 2015 HSMC Distinguished Lecture – Professor Yuan-Tseh Lee, Nobel Prize Laureate Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) was very honoured to have Professor Yuan-Tseh…
16 April 2015 Computing Research Seminar (2014/15): “Is Your Brain Replaceable?” Speaker: Dr Terrence Mak Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Dr…
15 April 2015 240 HSMC Students Received HK$4.6 Million Government Scholarships The 2015 Joint Scholarship Presentation Ceremony for HKSAR GovernmentScholarship Fund and Self-financing Post-secondary Education…
15 April 2015 Mock News Conference Public Relations Translation features hands-on practical training in the entire corporate workflow. Students prepared bilingual press releases, press kits…
23 March 2016 Visit to Phoenix TV In order to boost students’ understanding and arouse their interest in working in television, 28 Goodwill Ambassadors of…
14 April 2015 Spring Sonata by Professor Vadim Mazo & Dr Cheng Wai Arts at HSMC’s first classical musicconcert Spring Sonata took place on 14 April 2015…
13 April 2015 HSMC Received the Gold Award in “Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2015” We would like to share the good newsthat the Hang Seng…
霍韜晦:承擔文化,守護自己 今集「校長與領袖同『恒』」,請來當代思想家霍韜晦教授擔任嘉賓。霍教授表示成功的領袖需要具備眼光,有眼光才能看得遠,另外亦要有思考能力,有思考能力才能作出準確判斷,作出成功的決策。領袖更需要有行動力,把理論和觀念演化出來。他亦引用《易經》的元、亨、利、貞,「元」即開創能力;「亨」即解決問題的能力;「利」即凝聚人心的能力;「貞」則是領袖的堅持能力。 集數 : 第二十集 播出日期 : 2015-04-11 嘉賓 : 霍韜晦教授 職銜 : 法住學院院長 當代思想家 節目重溫 : 第一節 第二節 第三節 第四節 專欄 : 霍韜晦:承擔文化,守護自己 , [純文字版] , 星島日報