蔡元雲:信任展露人性光輝 了解突破兩代隔閡 今集「校長與領袖同『恒』」,邀請突破機構榮譽總幹事蔡元雲醫生做嘉賓。蔡醫生棄醫從「青」,認為年青人最需要別人的信任,信任能展露人性光輝。他以單車手黃金寶作例子,表示當日若果不相信亞寶的潛能,未必使他有今天的成就。 集數 : 第二十四集 播出日期 : 2015-05-09 嘉賓 : 蔡元雲醫生 職銜 : 突破機構榮譽總幹事 節目重溫 : 第一節 第二節 第三節 第四節 專欄 : 蔡元雲:信任展露人性光輝 了解突破兩代隔閡 , [純文字版] ,…
6 May 2015 Visits by New Territories School Heads Association and Kowloon Region School Heads Association The Communications andPublic Affairs Office (CPAO) organised meetings for HSMC…
5 May 2015 The campus visit was successfully held on 5 May 2015 (Tuesday). The event had attracted a total of over 70 teachers and…
4 May 2015 Naming Ceremony for Lee Quo Wei Academic Building HangSengManagementCollege(HSMC) has named the Academic and Administration Building (Block D) as “LeeQuoWeiAcademicBuilding” in grateful…
30 April 2015 BBA Programme Personal Tutor Meeting (Semester 2, 2014/15) Tomaintain a better connection between the College and students, BBA Programmehas held a personal…
25 April 2015 BJC Pre-Internal Re-accreditation Panel (Pre-IRP) Meeting BJC Pre-Internal Re-accreditation Panel (Pre-IRP) Meeting was held on 25 April 2015. The attended Panel membersincluded…
24 April 2015 Business Experience Sharing Session II The second seminar of the Business ExperienceSharing Series was held on 24 April 2015. Two entrepreneurs who…
23 April 2015 BBA Concentration Selection Forum (2014/15) Toprovide useful information to our students on selecting the Concentration, the School of Businessorganised a Concentration Selection…