29 May 2015 Guangzhou Study Tour In orderto have better understanding on the service industry, the Department ofManagement and the Student Association of Management (SAM)…
27 May 2015 AACSB Accreditation Conference, Shanghai, 23 – 27 May To learn more aboutthe AACSB international accreditation which recognises quality managementeducation, Professor Raymond So,…
26 May 2015 10th English Departmental Seminar, by Dr Sue Yip and Ms Clara Cheng “Factors Influencing Student Choice of Programmeand University Selection” by Dr…
23 May 2015 “Women in the Accounting Profession” – 2015 Competition Two year-4 students, Mr WONG Cheuk Yin(Ricky) and Miss HO Wing Hei (Sally) from the Department…
張炳良:莫停留於過去風光 向前看切實作改變 今集「校長與領袖同『恒』」請來運輸及房屋局局長張炳良教授分享經驗。張教授認為做領袖不為爭權奪利,而是發揮自己所長,動用各方面資源克服困難以達目標。成功領袖除以身作則之外,張教授認為宜由最低位置做起,了解各個程序,以防一旦沒有下屬能處理事情時,自己亦能勝任。他亦表示,雖然很多人認為「辦法總比問題多」,但實際上經常是「問題比辦法多」,需不斷努力解決。 集數 : 第二十六集 播出日期 : 2015-05-23 嘉賓 : 張炳良教授 職銜 : 運輸及房屋局局長 節目重溫 : 第一節 第二節 第三節 第四節 專欄 : 張炳良:莫停留於過去風光 向前看切實作改變 , [純文字版] ,…
18 May 2015 Computing Research Seminar (2014/15): “My 40 Years of Academic Life” Speaker: Prof Francis Chin Chair Professor of Department of Computer Science University…
14 May 2015 For more information, please click here.
14 May 2015 9th English Departmental Seminar, by Dr Marius Chan “Dr Marius Chan
14 May 2015 Third Academic Salon Hosted by the School of Communication TheSchool of Communication held the third Academic Salon. Mr Kwan Chuk Fai, Assistant…