嚴志明:創意思維領導團隊 美好設計改變世界 本集「校長與領袖同『恒』」請來香港工業總會副主席嚴志明先生。作為建築師、設計師和創業家,嚴先生利用設計思維去探索不同的可能性,並為團隊訂下清晰目標。他深信設計能改變世界,並指出不同的設計以至處事方式會帶來不同結果,藉此鼓勵年青人多從不同的角度思考,發揮創意並貢獻社會。 集數 : 第五十一集 播出日期 : 2015-11-14 嘉賓 : 嚴志明先生 職銜 : 香港工業總會副主席 節目重溫 : 第一節 第二節 第三節 第四節 專欄 : 嚴志明:創意思維領導團隊 美好設計改變世界 , [純文字版] ,…
14 November 2015 The Executive Development Centre & the School of Business of Hang Seng Management College (HSMC), together with the CFA Institute organised a…
13 November 2015 EDC and SAO organised the ‘Career in Banking – Enhance Success in Career Placements’ seminar on 13 November 2015, and invited Professor…
12 November 2015 The Wellness College, one of the Residential Colleges of Hang Seng Management College, held its first High Table Dinner on 12 November…
11 November 2015 To compliment students on their outstanding academic performances, the School of Communication has established the “BJC Honour Roll”. The 3rd award presentation…
8 November 2015 For three years in a row since 2013, Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) rendered its support again to join the meaningful eco-tour…
6 November 2015 Congratulations! Two teams of accountancy students were shortlisted as the Top 7 (finalist team) and Top 20 (judges commendation team) of the…
5 November 2015 Our heartfelt thanks to Mr David Fong who spoke at a professional talk for the Department of Supply Chain and Information Management…
5 November 2015 Participants engaged in vivid discussions with their tutors on their exchange, internship experience and their views on career planning. Moreover, while the…