曾俊華:領袖宜具人文通識 籲青年人實現自我 本集「校長與領袖同『恒』」,請來香港特區政府財政司司長曾俊華先生。曾司長分享自己從美國回流香港的原因,以及加入政府到後來成為財政司的經歷。他指出作為公共領袖,擁有廣博的知識特別重要,並要居安思危,避免危機出現。他勉勵年青人在關注本土議題外,亦應擴闊國際視野,把握政府提供的支援和機會。 集數 : 第五十三集 播出日期 : 2015-11-28 嘉賓 : 曾俊華司長 職銜 : 財政司司長 節目重溫 : 第一節 第二節 第三節 第四節 專欄 : 曾俊華:領袖宜具人文通識 籲青年人實現自我 , [純文字版] ,…
27 November 2015 The School of Decision Sciences Academic Award Presentation Ceremony 2015 was successfully held on 27 November 2015. During the ceremony, “Dean’s List”,…
26 November 2015 Presented by the School of Translation and Arts at HSMC, the International Poetry Nights 2015@HSMC was held on 26 November 2015 at…
26 November 2015 Further to the successful accreditation of the BBA-SCM programme by Hong Kong Logistics Association, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management is…
26 November 2015 Visit by Tuen Mun District and Yuen Long District Secondary School Principals The Communications andPublic Affairs Office (CPAO) organised a meeting between HSMC…
25 November 2015 A series of mock press conferences by the students of TRA 3103 Public Relations Translation was successfully held at Fung Yiu King…
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21 November 2015 Congratulations! Miss Chan Ka Yee Kelly, a Year-4 student of the BBA-SCM, received the Best Student Awards at the CIPS Best Student…
21 November 2015 HSMC Information Day 2015 The HSMC Information Day was held on 21 November2015. A variety of activities werearranged which attracted approximately 1,000 parents,…
21 November 2015 HSMC Information Day 2015 (BJC) The HSMC Information Day was held on 21 November2015. The event attracted over 1000 students and parents.…