22 September 2016 BSc-DSBI Internship Sharing Session 2016-17 is proudly held by The Department of Mathematics and Statistics on 22 September 2016. We invited BSc-DSBI…
20 September 2016 The Department of Supply Chain and Information Management is delighted to share with you that our students have achieved outstanding results in…
17 September 2016 TwoBBA-Accounting students, Wong Lai Tung, Julia and Wong Tsz Hei, Wilson, were awarded with the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants…
15 September 2016 A career seminar was co-organised by the Department of Accountancy and Career Planning and Development of SAO about the Accounting Profession by…
14 September 2016 The School of Communication held a Summer Internship Briefing Session for BJC Year 3 students on 14 September 2016. Dr Meily Cheung,…
2016年9月10日 恒生管理學院派出兩隊隊伍參加由香港特許秘書公會舉辦之 Corporate Governance Paper Competition 2016 : 王雲龍同學(主修會計學三年級)﹑李綺雯同學(主修會計學二年級)和林浩謙同學(主修會計學四年級)﹑關智鍵同學(主修會計學三年級),更成功進入決賽。最後兩隊隊伍獲得了以下獎項,在此恭喜各位得獎同學。 Paper Competition 王雲龍同學和李綺雯同學-季軍 林浩謙同學和關智鍵同學-優異獎 Paper Presentation 王雲龍同學和李綺雯同學-優異獎 林浩謙同學和關智鍵同學-優異獎 王雲龍同學和李綺雯同學獲得Paper Presentation 優異獎 關智鍵同學獲得Paper Presentation…
10 September 2016 Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) cooperated again with Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service to organise the elderly home visit during the Mid-Autumn…
10 September 2016 Executive Development Centre of Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) organises a series of leadership training courses for the senior management and corporate…
9 September 2016 Two Departmental Seminars were organised by the Department of Accountancy on 2 and 9 September 2016 respectively. Our department staff including Dr…
8 September 2016 The Department of English had the honour of inviting Ms Sharon Ho, a representative from the British Council, to deliver an…