15 April 2013 (Monday)HSMC Achieved "Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme Silver Award" Congratulations to HSMC on winning the "Silver Award" of "Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme"!…
15 April, 2013Secretary for Education – Mr. Eddie Ng Hak-kim visited HSMC Mr. Eddie Ng Hak-kim SBS, Secretary for Education, visited HSMC on 15…
12 April 2013Hang Seng Management College Appreciation Dinner In recognition of the hard work of the HSMC’s staff, Ms. Rose Lee, Chairman of the…
10-4-2013Scholarship and Academic Award Presentation Ceremony More than 270 scholarships and academic awards were presented to outstanding students for their remarkable performance over the…
二零一三年四月三日 恒管探訪兒童之家 捐贈物資 與孩子同樂 恒管公共關係處於二零一三年四月三日與香港神託會合辦「慈善攤位日」活動,招募了逾二十名學生與教職員組成服務隊,親自設計攤位遊戲,赴中國基督教播道會轄下的慈善機構播道兒童之家,在復活節期間把歡樂帶給來自困難家庭的小朋友。 恒管全力支持此次活動,除了鼓勵學生及教職員參與,還捐贈精美文具,希望孩子更用功學習。小朋友踴躍參與遊戲,跟大專生哥哥姐姐打成一片,現場氣氛熱烈。 參與活動的學生認為,此次活動令他們獲益良多,不但增強了溝通技巧,亦提升了他們身為大專生的社會責任感。他們會將關懷社區的信念傳達給更多同學,讓大家齊為社區服務貢獻一分力。 播道兒童之家的負責人指,六至十二歲的兒童正處於成長的關鍵階段,極需要良好的學習對象,大專生是孩子的好榜樣。藉著這些活動,很多孩子希望自己以後也能夠成為義工,幫助社會上有需要的人。 恒管義工與孩子合照 恒管義工帶領孩子玩遊戲 恒管捐贈精美文具 孩子積極投入遊戲
22 March 2013 HSMC welcomes a delegation from Center for Overseas Academic and Cultural Exchanges of Tsinghua University, China Ms Freda Guan, Programme Manager,…
20 March 2013Financial Seminar Organized by Metro Finance Digital HK, and co-organized by Hang Seng Management College, a financial seminar was successfully held on the…
18th March 2013 HKFYG M21 Visit A delegation from School of Communication and Public Relations Office paid a visit to Hong Kong Federation of…
15 March 2013 HSMC welcomes a delegation from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland Ms Sirpa Holmström, Head of International Services of Haaga-Helia University of…
13 March 2015 Young Industrialists Council Delegation’s Visit to HSMC A delegation from Hong Kong YoungIndustrialists Council (YIC) including Mr Eric Yim, President, MsKaren Chan,…