20140310 Gordon College (USA) Hosts Seminars at HSMC Two seminars were hosted at HSMC by Gordon College (USA) on 10 March 2014 with two…
3 March 2015 HSMC Job Fair HSMC Job Fair is held annually asa one-stop platform that brings together recruiters, industry specialists andjob-seeking students under one…
4 February 2016 Shatin Arts and Cultural Promotion Briefing Session TheSchool of Communication, Hang Seng Management College joined hands with ShatinArts & Culture Promotion Committee…
20-02-2014Inauguration Ceremony for Twenty-Six HSMC Student Ambassadors 2013/14 “To Serve. To Learn” The HSMC Student Ambassadors Inauguration Ceremony 2013/14 was held on 20…
18 February 2014 (Tuesday) HSMC held 2014 Media Spring Luncheon To express our New Year greetings and facilitate the communication with the media, Hang…
The Inbound Exchange Students for Spring Semester 2013/14 were invited to try their hand on making ‘rice-ball’ during Chinese New Year Eve. Earlier, they were…
28 January 2014 (Tuesday) HSMC Photo Competition 2013 Award Presentation Ceremony HSMC Photo Competition organized by the Communications and Public Affairs Office (CPAO) was…
16-01-2014 An Orientation cum Welcome Lunch for Inbound Exchange Students An Orientation cum Welcome Lunch for the inbound exchange students from China, South Korea,…
二零一四年一月十三日(星期一) 恒生管理學院首個大學生ETF投資比賽:「2013 年恒管德意志資產及財富管理ETF投資比賽」圓滿結束 由恒生管理學院(「恒管」) 舉辦、德意志資產及財富管理贊助的「2013 年恒管德意志資產及財富管理ETF投資比賽」(ETF,即Exchange Traded Fund,交易所買賣基金)已圓滿結束,並於一月十三日舉行的發佈會上宣佈賽果。署理校長方梓勳教授、商學院院長蘇偉文教授、副校長陳羅潔湘博士、學生事務總監伍美莉女士、經濟及金融系高級講師佟永超博士,與三組學生隊伍以及其名人投資對象石修、陳錦鴻、陳易希等出席了當天活動。 經過為期四個月的觀察和評選,評審團從三支參賽的恒管隊伍中,選出由工商管理主修銀行及金融的四年級生曾紀賢為組長的第三組參賽學生為優勝隊伍,表揚他們為其投資對象藝人石修獲得三組中最高回報率的出色表現。 本次投資比賽是恒管首屆大學生ETF投資比賽,旨在透過相關的投資教育及活動,讓大專生接觸香港以外的資本市場,以正確的投資知識及態度裝備自己,為未來投身社會做好準備。商學院院長蘇偉文教授表示:「對恒管同學來說,這四個月是一個豐足、圓滿的學習過程,他們不但學會實踐所學及累積投資經驗,更學會如何面對挫折,在錯誤中成長。經歷是次比賽後,我相信定能為他們畢業後投身金融行業做好充分的準備。」 德意志資產及財富管理亞太區助理副總裁周進浩表示:「恒管的同學在短短四個月間,於投資技巧及市場觸覺上愈見成熟,進步明顯。同學的理論及經驗兼備,為成為新一代金融及投資界人才確立穩固根基。」 勝出的曾紀賢同學及他的隊員將獲得前往歐洲交流及考察的機會。他表示,本次比賽讓他們獲益良多,既擴闊了國際視野,亦加強了對宏觀經濟、政治及社會趨勢的敏感,對日後投身業界或對自己的財富管理都有幫助。 署理校長方梓勳教授、商學院院長蘇偉文教授、副校長陳羅潔湘博士等恒管管理層出席當天發佈會 蘇偉文教授勉勵學生學會在比賽中實踐所學 德意志資產及財富管理亞太區助理副總裁周進浩先生讚揚同學的投資技巧及市場觸覺愈見成熟 學生隊伍代表於台上與嘉賓互動 學生代表送贈禮物予其投資對象藝人陳錦鴻…
9 January 2014 Junzi Corporation Survey 2013 Award Presentation Ceremony