14 October 2014 Albright College visited HSMC Accompanied by Dr Lorna Edmundson, President Emerita of Wilson College, three senior management members from Albright College including…
13 October 2014 Signing Ceremony of Academic Cooperation Agreement between HSMC and Illinois Wesleyan University On13 October 2014, Hang Seng Management College and Illinois Wesleyan…
4 October 2014 President’s Reception for Parents, Teachers and Students In order to build up seamless communicationbetween parents and the College, andto update the latest…
23 September 2014 HSMC named Lecture Hall after Mrs Pong Hong Siu Chu HangSeng Management College (HSMC) nameda lecture hall in Academic Building (Block A)…
4 September 2014 Convocation for New Students 2014-15 The Convocation for New Students 2014-15 was successfully held on 4 September2014. The ceremony was officiated by…
28 August 2014 Welcome Lunch and Orientation for Inbound Exchange Students AWelcome Lunch and Orientation for inbound exchange students was held on 28August 2014. Hosted…
25 August 2014 何順文教授在迎新日的致辭 恒生管理學院(下稱:恒管)於8月25及26日舉行了2014年至2015年學院迎新日,除了歡迎新生外,亦向他們介紹學校環境及配套設施,為九月開學作好準備。 恒管校長何順文教授在迎新日的致辭中,歡迎來自香港及內地的同學加入恒管大家庭。他希望同學在恒管裡,除了把握機會努力學習外,還要發展自己的價值觀,繼而培養助人精神,改變社會。 何校長指出進入大學之門是一個成長的重要過渡時期,因此更要擴闊視野,塑造自己。他以「5Cs」來解釋其5個重要範疇:包括批判性思考(Critical Thinking):以建設性的角度解決問題;創造力(Creativity):嘗試新事物;溝通(Communication):學習人際溝通技巧;關愛(Caring Attitude):培養互助關心的精神;品格(Character):建立誠信、主動及積極的品格。 此外密切的師生關係是恒管引以為傲的地方。恒管各院系的教師、職員和同學都能成為同學的親密伙伴,樂意聆聽及分享同學在恒管的生活點滴。所以校長鼓勵同學應珍惜本校的學習環境,主動踏出一步,接觸不同的人和事。 最後,校長用前英國首相邱吉爾的話:「一點點的態度,但卻能造成大大的改變。」,鼓勵同學要主動積極,提升自己。在迎新日中主動認識學校的人及事物,發掘自己的興趣。盼望同學能一同見證本校歷史,參與未來的規劃,與學校一同向前邁進。 恒生管理學院由2010年至今已由5個學士學位課程新增至10個;通識科也改為統一的科目;新的教學大樓也相繼投入服務,而提供約1400的新宿舍也可望於2015年落成,期望為迎接未來的挑戰做好準備。
Date: 4 October 2014 (Saturday) Time: 2:30pm – 5:00pm Venue: Conference Hall, 4/F, Block A, Hang Seng Management College On behalf of Hang Seng…
11 August 2014 Signing Ceremony of Academic Cooperation Agreement between HSMC and Gordon College On11 August 2014, Hang Seng Management College and Gordon College have…