24 October 2023Professor Simon S M Ho, President of HSUHK, said that the Parent’s Reception is a traditional event of the University. He said, “We…
18 October 2023The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) has named its “N Building” as “Lo Hui Kit San Building” in appreciation of Dr…
16 October 2023A research team from The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK)’s School of Decision Sciences has successfully developed an all-in-one e-commerce sales…
AIA pledged US$100 million in October 2020 to help 100 undergraduates every year over the next several decades attend Hong Kong universities. AIA Scholarships is…
27 September 2023The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) announced today its new Strategic Plan 2023-2028, guiding the University’s directions and priorities for the…
25 September 2023The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) announced the appointment of Professor Joshua Mok Ka-ho, an internationally renowned comparative policy research scholar,…
20 September 2023The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) spearheads a collaborative endeavour with Hong Kong Chu Hai College, HKU School of Professional and…
2023年9月18日為支持在大灣區發展及在廣東就讀的港澳中學生升讀本地大學,香港恒生大學作為首間在港引入中學校長推薦入學計劃的大學,宣布把是項計劃擴展至廣東省,再次創本港高等院校先河。恒生大學首先與暨大港澳子弟學校合作,由2024-25學年起,廣州、東莞和佛山三所暨大港澳子弟學校的香港中學文憑試(DSE)課程中六學生,可經校長推薦申請恒生大學的直接入學計劃,恒生大學會根據申請人的校內成績、非學術成就、校長推薦信和面試表現審核申請。恒生大學校長何順文教授於9月10日出席佛山暨大港澳子弟學校的揭牌儀式暨開學典禮後表示,近年愈來愈多在廣東省發展的香港家庭安排子女入讀當地的港澳子弟中學,以提升他們的歸屬感。當中不少家長都希望子女升讀香港的優秀大學。恒生大學為照顧他們的需要,決定把校長推薦直接入學的申請擴展至大灣區的香港中學文憑試考生,讓家長和子女都可以安心工作和升學,從而增加香港家庭參與大灣區建設的信心。根據恒生大學與暨大港澳子弟學校早前簽署的合作備忘,除了支持學生到恒生大學升學,雙方還可優先參與對方所舉辦的活動和研討會等,而暨大港澳子弟學校亦可安排恒生大學學生到該校實習,讓他們汲取在大灣區工作的經驗。 恒生大學何順文校長(右二)於9月10日出席佛山暨大港澳子弟學校的揭牌儀式暨開學典禮,與暨大港澳子弟學校東莞分校總校長賴炳華(左一)、佛山分校總校長張曄(左二)和廣州分校創校及榮譽校長鄭景亮(右一)合照。
7 September 2023The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) held a Convocation on campus today to welcome some 1,700 new undergraduate students, including exchange…
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) begins its new academic year today. Professor Simon Ho Shun-man, President of HSUHK; Professor Hui Yer-van, Provost…