19 March 2016 The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) hosted the annual Student Day with a mission to raise young…
Students of SCM Department Obtained Excellent Results in the Scholarship and Award Presentation 2016
19 March 2016 The annual Scholarship and Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 19 March 2016. This year has witnessed a record-breaking number of students…
7 March 2016 It is our great honour to have Professor Mitchell M Tseng, Honorary Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management (and currently…
25 February 2016 Hang Seng Management College’s Department of Supply Chain and Information Management and the Centre for Corporate Sustainability and Innovations (CCSI) will co-organise…
31 January 2016 The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) staged the signature event for the 26th Education and Careers Expo at the Hong Kong…
2016年1月30日 由供應鏈及資訊管理學系籌辦及香港軟件行業協會協辦的校際手機應用程式設計比賽2015作品簡報及頒獎典禮已於2016年1月30日於恒管舉行。 是次比賽的目的是透過手機應用程式,提醒大眾善用科技,並思考如何透過智能手機以提升日常生活質素和便利程度。參賽對象為全港中四至中六全日制學生,並以隊際形式(二至四人) 進行。 我們很榮幸能夠邀請得香港軟件行業協會會長楊全盛先生及理事委員任國釗先生、信興電器服務中心有限公司副董事總經理吳福強先生、香港物資採購與供銷學會副主席李學義先生、義務秘書歐耀晃先生及一眾供應鏈及資訊管理學系的教職員,於匯報建議書過程中擔任評判。校長何順文教授亦有到場致歡迎辭,感謝參賽隊伍及教師踴躍參與是次有意義的校際活動。 得獎名單詳見下表: 校際手機應用程式設計比賽2015 獎項 獲獎學校 手機應用程式 名稱 參賽隊員 冠軍 王肇枝中學 耆珍異寶 甄卓希 林彥奇 蘇俊康 何子樂 亞軍 拔萃女書院 Make Rice Now 林思彥…
30 January 2016 A workshop on Logistics and Supply Chain Management is jointly organised by the Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE), Qualifications Framework (QF)…
28 November 2015 The BMSIM Advisory Committee Meeting was held on 28 November 2015. Dr Collin Wong, Programme Director, thanked Committee Members for their continuous…
26 November 2015 Further to the successful accreditation of the BBA-SCM programme by Hong Kong Logistics Association, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management is…
21 November 2015 Congratulations! Miss Chan Ka Yee Kelly, a Year-4 student of the BBA-SCM, received the Best Student Awards at the CIPS Best Student…