10 January 2016 Our accountancy students teamed up representating HSMC and took part in the ACCA Chairman Tertiary Cup on the ACCA Community Day 2016,…
2015年12月22日 四位會計學系的四年級同學(余海臨、梁芊蔚、林敏婷和章藹珊)在 ACCA(特許公認會計師公會)香港分會主辦的第九屆「ACCA 商業策劃大比拼2015」勇奪得亞軍,恭喜!該隊伍還獲得「最佳 建議書」和「最佳創意」團隊獎。得獎計劃書為「包剪揼」, 是為老人和殘疾人士提供足底按摩和修甲服務, 靈感來自其中一位成員,每天為患有糖尿病的婆婆修剪指甲的習慣。 這種日常生活的觀察, 令老人和殘障人士的日常需要變成一個創新的商業命題。 詳情: https://www.facebook.com/ video.php?v=977573788984760& set=vb.125574000851414&type=2& theater 恒管學生勇奪「ACCA商業策劃大比拼2015」亞軍
21 November 2015 HSMC Information Day 2015 (School of Business/ BBA Programme) The InformationDay held on 21 November 2015 was both informative andfun-packed. Academically, on…
20 November 2015 Launch of the HSMC Banking Certificate Programme The Programme is jointly organised by the ExecutiveDevelopment Center (EDC) and the School of Business…
19 November 2015 Briefing Session for Enrolment of ITN3001 Field Experience (Job Placement) 2015/16 To providedetailed information on theenrolment of the module ITN3001 Field Experience…
14 November 2015 Words from participating team members – Selwyn Ho, Benson Chan, Ella Cheng, Douglas Lo and Mathew Leung. The Hong Kong Local Final…
6 November 2015 Congratulations! Two teams of accountancy students were shortlisted as the Top 7 (finalist team) and Top 20 (judges commendation team) of the…
5 November 2015 Participants engaged in vivid discussions with their tutors on their exchange, internship experience and their views on career planning. Moreover, while the…
4 November 2015 Dr Pauline WONG of Department of Accountancy was presented the Best Paper Award at the 27th Asia Pacific Conference on International Accounting…
29 October 2015 A seminar on “Branding Strategy in the Era of Mobile Networking” was held on 29 October 2015 at the Hong Kong Central…