15 September 2016 A career seminar was co-organised by the Department of Accountancy and Career Planning and Development of SAO about the Accounting Profession by…
2016年9月10日 恒生管理學院派出兩隊隊伍參加由香港特許秘書公會舉辦之 Corporate Governance Paper Competition 2016 : 王雲龍同學(主修會計學三年級)﹑李綺雯同學(主修會計學二年級)和林浩謙同學(主修會計學四年級)﹑關智鍵同學(主修會計學三年級),更成功進入決賽。最後兩隊隊伍獲得了以下獎項,在此恭喜各位得獎同學。 Paper Competition 王雲龍同學和李綺雯同學-季軍 林浩謙同學和關智鍵同學-優異獎 Paper Presentation 王雲龍同學和李綺雯同學-優異獎 林浩謙同學和關智鍵同學-優異獎 王雲龍同學和李綺雯同學獲得Paper Presentation 優異獎 關智鍵同學獲得Paper Presentation…
9 September 2016 Two Departmental Seminars were organised by the Department of Accountancy on 2 and 9 September 2016 respectively. Our department staff including Dr…
24 August 2016 The Department of Accountancy hosted the AC.CG Reception 2016 on 24 August 2016 for all students from BBA (with Accounting Concentration) and BBA…
15 July 2016 An article featuring the traits of the BBA Programme has been published on the official website of Master Insight. Please refer to…
17 June 2016 The School of Business heldthe AcademicRetreat 2015/16 on 17 June 2016.This year, more than 40 academic staffmembers participatedand the newly–admittedmembers have made…
4 June 2016 The Department of Economics and Finance hosted a forum on 4 June 2016 and invited two CFA Charter holders, Mr Samuel Lee…
29 May 2016 A team of 4 students from BBA has done a series of impressive debate performance during 28-29 May 2016 leading to…
26 May 2016 The School of Business is proud to present the Award Presentation Ceremony 2014/15 dated 26 May 2016, a vibrant event gathering…
5 May 2016 From 3 May to 5 May 2016, the Department of Accountancy collaborated with the Research Institute for Business to organise a…