5 October 2015 Independent Discipline Review (IDR) for Programme Area Accreditation (PAA) for the Business School, HSMC To better equip the School of Business for…
24 September 2015 BBA-MGT Enlightenment Series: Electives Selection Sharing Session The Department of Management andthe Student Association of Management (SAM) jointly organised an electives selectionsharing…
2015年9月19日 四位工商管理系主修會計學的學生於2015年9月19日獲香港會計師公會頒授獎學金。 黃佩雯同學及簡施華同學(2015年度畢業生)獲頒專業資格課程獎學金2015。 練希文同學及李耀俊同學(工商管理系四年級生)獲頒香港會計師公會獎學金2015。 恭喜各位得獎同學! 四位獲獎同學練希文,李耀俊,黃佩雯及簡施華(第二位左起)於頒獎典禮獲頒獎學金
2015年8月31日 會計學系於2015年8月31日為工商管理系主修會計的三年級及四年級學生舉辦了首次會計學系茶聚2015。茶聚旨在為學生提供學習及專業導向,讓他們為新學期作好準備。茶聚涉及課程內容,例如先修要求、畢業要求、成為專業會計的途徑(如不同專業團體的專業資格及其主要分別)及有用的求職技巧(包括如何通過四大會計師樓的招聘)。一位剛畢業的畢業生應邀分享他過去的學習心得,包括選擇專業資格考試、求職並成功獲聘的經驗。 會計學系系主任黃若霞博士正與工商管理系主修會計學的三年級及四年級學生分享她寶貴的教學經驗 約150位學生參與是次茶聚
29 August 2015 The Deloitte Tax Championship, organised by Shanghai Deloitte Tax Ltd and Deloitte Tax Research Foundation, is a key event for university students…
7 June 2016 Economics and Finance Departmental Retreat The Economicsand Finance departmental retreat was held on 7 June 2016 for the purpose of promotingteam spirit.…
20 August 2015 Orientation Day of the Department of Management TheCollege Orientation Day 2015 was successfully held on 20 August 2015. During the Programme session,…
20 August 2015 HSMC College Orientation 2015/16, School of Business / BBA Programme The School of Business / BBAProgramme Orientation was held on 20 August…
20 August 2015 Programme Orientation The ProgrammeOrientation for BBA-FA and BBA-BAF Programmes was held on 20 August 2015(Thursday). Dr David Chui, the Programme Director of…
20 August 2015 College Orientation Day – BBA-CG College Orientation Day was held for BBA-CGStudents on 20 August 2015. About 60 Students participated in the…