12 November 2014 To better understand the operations in media relations, students from TRA3103 Public Relations Translation visited Hong Kong Disneyland on 12 November and…
11 November 2014 電影欣賞:公民不服從 分享嘉賓:國際特赦組織 近年,台灣民間團體對海峽兩岸關係積極發表意見,卻被警方過度阻撓。政府愈加緊控制人民,民怨愈加劇,因而催生了不絕的反抗運動。此紀錄片入圍台北電影節及台灣國際紀錄片雙年展,在台灣社會放映引發熱烈討論,在2014年登陸香港,別具意義! The movie sharing was held in the Fung Yiu King Hall Students raised questions actively HSMC representatives presented souvenirs…
8 November 2014 Guest Lecture on Taxation A guest lecture was organised by theDepartment of Accountancy on 8 November 2014 in which two guests were…
8 November 2014 2014 Conference on the Development of Business Journalism and Communication Education in Hong Kong, Mainland, and Taiwan The School ofCommunication, Hang Seng…
6 November 2014 Chartered Financial Analyst Talk A Chartered Financial Analyst Talk organisedby Economics and Finance Department was held on 6 November 2014 and it…
6 November 2014 In recognition of students’ academic excellence in the Academic Year 2013–14, an award presentation ceremony was held on 6 November. We are…
3 November 2014 Five-day Academic Trip in Taiwan Prof Simon Ho, President, Prof Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of School…
30 October 2014 BBA Programme: Personal Tutor Meeting (Semester 1, 2014/15) TheBBA Personal Tutor Meeting was held on 30 October 2014 (Thursday) at theAuditorium of…
30 October 2014 Mr Ko, CEO of Cathay Pacific Services Limited (CPSL), shared a guest lecture with students of SCM4202 (Shipping & Transport Logistics) on…
30 October 2014 1st GE Colloquium (2014/15): GRIEF MEETS JEALOUSY Speaker: Dr Muk Yan Wong (Lecturer of the Department ofGeneral Education) Dr Wong’s talk captured…