The HSUHK x SCMP Entrepreneurship Challenge (E-Challenge) 2020 is a joint event organised by WUCIE, Department of Marketing, and South China Morning Post. Considering the current…
On behalf of Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE) of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK), we would like to…
With the onset of the economic downturn caused by the recent pandemic, the employment market has been encountering a considerable shrinkage, resulting in a more…
An activity jointly organised by HSUHK Library and A&P Bookshop Centre for a sale of textbooks to students at a discounted price.Date : …
The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and Staff Development Committee (SDC) will jointly organise a seminar entitled “E for…”: Effective E-Teaching-and-Learning Practices on 23…
The Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE) cordially invites you to join our Guest Speaker Talk by Dr Daisy Tam. During the…
(Chinese only)中國語言及文化研習所與香港中文大學歷史系合辦學術講座,是次講座邀得韓國慶北大學歷史系尹在碩教授擔任主講嘉賓,題為「韓半島儒家文化的形成與近來出土的《論語》簡」,歡迎各位教職員及同學出席。詳情如下:主講嘉賓:韓國慶北大學歷史系尹在碩教授講題:韓半島儒家文化的形成與近來出土的《論語》簡日期:2020年1月6日(星期一)時間:下午4:30-6:00地點:香港中文大學馮景禧樓G24室講座將以普通話進行。